Example sentences of "[prep] say that [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is our way of saying that every guest is important , ’ he says .
2 Like ‘ excessive profit ’ , ‘ over-priced ’ is merely another way of saying that a market is failing .
3 Some people try to use the escape hatch of saying that the problem is a religious one , but it is not , although there are substantial religious overtones .
4 In this passage , Wittgenstein mentions one argument for saying that the thought is not the same as the sentence — two sentences ‘ one in English and one in French , may be said to express the same thought ; since the thought is the same but the sentences different the thought is not the same as either of the sentences .
5 But that is only a reason for saying that the value is not really there in the world if we presuppose a scientistic view of reality for which it is of itself necessarily ‘ motivationally inert ’ and cognizable in a manner which has nothing essentially to do with being attracted or repelled by it .
6 Their housing spokesman recently Mr Mayor was quoted as saying that the trouble is it is very difficult to think of a solution .
7 The median has a precise mathematical definition which is absolutely right , and my hon. Friend is correct in saying that the median is bound to alter if the number at the bottom of the scale is changed .
8 All economies are continually changing , but in saying that the economy is at a crossroads we are dealing with a change in its whole direction .
9 The emphasis on medium , form and aesthetic grammar would suggest that , whatever their ‘ content ’ or ‘ effect ’ , they are somehow different ; at the simplest level , saying that a history or sociology book is badly written is different from saying that a novel is badly written .
10 Which is far from saying that the task was easy .
11 He says that there should be an increased capital allowance for this year , cunningly saying that it would cost nothing in the first year ; that is equivalent to saying that the bill is in the post , as we all know that it is paid after 12 months .
12 But if the literary text says , ‘ The door was open ’ I can not ask the text what it means by saying that the door was open , I can only speculate about the significance of that door — opened by what agency , leading to what discovery , mystery , goal ?
13 It should be noted that this is often expressed in a shorthand manner by saying that the clause is " void " ; however , this is inaccurate and misleading .
14 This will be on the ground that the breach of duty was not the legal cause of the damage and will be expressed by saying that the damage was too remote .
15 The defendant will not be allowed to get round the Act by saying that the plaintiff was volenti .
16 Sayeed justified the action by saying that the governor was the central government representative and should enjoy the confidence of the central government .
17 If he gets the benefit for which he stipulated , he ought to honour his promise , and he ought not to avoid it by saying that the mother was herself under a duty to maintain the child .
18 The child may rationalise the situation by saying that the family is the only family he or she knows and thereby acquire a psychic balance .
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