Example sentences of "[prep] she and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I moved towards her and sat on the bed and put an arm round her .
2 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
3 Then , with a sound of disgust , Feargal pushed past her and went into the house .
4 Ace , holstering her gun , brushed past her and loped towards the doorway .
5 He had moved past her and stood at the foot of a soaring staircase , hands on his hips .
6 Maggie let go of her and called up the stairs .
7 She walked up a gravel drive crowded with large cars , past an old-fashioned wooden pavilion and two clay tennis courts , ignored the adult game going on in front of her and started around the boundary to the second and much smaller game in the far corner .
8 Exulting in her escape , she closed the outer door behind her and made for the great outdoors like a child let out of school .
9 Sapped of all energy , Belinda fell listlessly through the door , let it drift shut behind her and slumped on the bed , utterly confused about what had just happened .
10 She closed the door gently behind her and turned towards the road .
11 She sat on the corner of the old sofa with her legs folded under her and stared at the window , willing the oil lamp not to sputter and distort the sounds that belonged to the night : the true night that lay outside in the garden and the valley and held dominion over the hills .
12 Matthew turned his eyes away from her and walked to the window at the end of the drawing-room .
13 Dada took the book from her and looked at the first page .
14 She turned from her and ran down the stairs and into the yard , there to stand for a moment petrified when she saw the young fellow lying on his side , the blood oozing from somewhere above his ear .
15 ‘ Shelley — ’ But the last stroke had sounded , its echo drifting away into the night , and with a frown of anxiety , he pulled himself away from her and disappeared through the door .
16 Uncontrollable sobs broke from her and echoed on the night .
17 If he had turned from her and rushed from the room , banging the door after him , she would not have felt half as afraid as when he backed slowly from her , his arm bent and his forefinger wagging at her .
18 He pulled away from her and sat on the edge of the bed .
19 But her eyes never left his face , and he turned from her and marched from the room .
20 And on this he turned from her and hurried through the store-room , leaving her trembling , and not a little , at her own audacity in daring to speak to him like that .
21 An arm was slipped under her shoulders , lifting her ; then something was wrapped round her and fastened at the throat .
22 She had bent to hug her daughter , relief pouring through her and mingling with the joy that always sang in her veins whenever she held her precious bundle in her arms .
23 Suddenly , he shrugged his strong shoulders , before deliberately turning his back on her and strolling from the room .
24 The relief of escaping from his company was so intense that she felt as if she 'd been wired up to an electric charge for the last few hours and someone had finally taken pity on her and turned off the power .
25 He slipped in beside her and crunched on the dusty taste of a Rennie .
26 The shop-woman smiled at her and asked after the bereaved family .
27 Jenna grinned at her and got into the car , looking around with pleasure as Marguerite reversed from the garage and turned to the track .
28 Ten minutes later in the gymnasium downstairs Lee reflected that if she threw one of the dumb-bells she was using at the wall-sized mirror and it shattered into a hundred pieces around a central trauma , she would wake herself up and everybody around her and get into the local papers .
29 Later , as she pulled the sheets around her and listened to the night sounds from her bedroom Juliet rememberd the birds on the river , and the cool grass beneath them , and the love they 'd shared .
30 She wrapped a towel around her and ran to the sitting-room , swearing under her breath .
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