Example sentences of "[prep] they come [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos he 'll eat them , he 'll be stood there waiting for them coming out of the blooming oven !
2 They managed to get some ones on the sea , but they did have a try erm a lot of them come up with the erm barking up the wrong tree said the dog , you know , things like that with a bit of help .
3 None of them come anywhere near the high calorific value of a big fried breakfast or even two or three slices of thickly buttered toast .
4 A good many boys and girls had joined the crowd now and shouts of laughter broke out as a few of them came out from the gate in the kitchen-garden wall , their hands full of ripe peaches , their chins dripping with juice .
5 Turbin lights and they were for use of coastal command of the RAF first searchlighting for submarines , looking for submarines , the er the Harvards were very much trained as some of them came in from the Navy they were used for training landing of pilots on aircraft carriers , and they had hooks underneath you know the er they were a very good trainer they were still used today , but when we used to go and see films at the pictures they used to use them a lot as Japanese aircraft because they looked alike , and they used to use them as zeros in the American films these Harvard trainers , er and but like as I said they had a experimental department at Helliwells and they used to try out various things to see if they could improve on the structure or the instrumentation things like that
6 Yes and and then when the lifeboat came , the Eday and and Sanday and them a lot of them came across for the dances , the lifeboat dances , it was really I would say the best time
7 And somehow , he could n't imagine either of them coming around to the house for some beers and a pizza and a John Wayne movie on the video .
8 Matthew and Sara and the children with them came out of the old woods into the new plantation , where rows of conifers , dark green , were interplanted with small spindly brighter green beeches .
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