Example sentences of "[prep] they and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The agonies of reading one 's most intimate feelings and thoughts aloud to a roomful of strangers , and then being expected to talk about them and explain them in an acceptably relaxed and humorous manner were more than I could bear .
2 He said he 'd had other complaints about them and barred them from the dances .
3 When they reached the kitchen Lucy collected the cups and saucers while Jean rinsed the crumbs off them and stacked them in the dishwasher .
4 Very soon dirty plates began to cascade down the chute and my job was to knock the food remains off them and transfer them to a mechanical washer .
5 Such countries were allowed to buy non-military materials , provided that they paid cash for them and transported them in their own ships ( the " cash and carry laws " ) .
6 They 're the ones who get everybody else to do what they want them to do , like die for them and work for them and get them into power and protect them and pay taxes and buy them toys , and they 're the ones who 'll survive another big war , in their bunkers and tunnels .
7 ’ Blenkarn received the goods but never paid for them and sold them to Cundy who knew nothing of his fraud .
8 I composed a note for them and left it in the hall beside the phone .
9 Mrs Bennet and Jinny took charge of the two women and two small girls , making tea for them and wrapping them in blankets .
10 Those too young for sailing still enjoy pottering around the beach and paddling around on old windsurfers , though a parent should stay to look after them and keep them from the nearby road .
11 Well obviously they would look after them and keep them in good order , and what have you , so that there was no hold up with them trying to make a wage or whatever .
12 Besides , the Jews inspected the stars by night , turned their eyes towards them and invoked them in their prayers .
13 He stopped himself from looking at any of them and stuffed them into his waste-paper basket .
14 She had seen nothing of them and heard nothing except their horn in the recesses of the forest , a joyous and at the same time a melancholy sound which filled her captors with unease .
15 The dreams were all in a mess on the top , so I got hold of them and put them underneath me to stop them blowing away ( not that there was any wind ) and hunted through the rest .
16 He placed a little white enamel cup before each of them and filled it with strong black tea .
17 The Spirit who inspired their writing is perfectly well capable of taking some part of them and writing it on our hearts so that it becomes an inescapable pointer to a particular course of action .
18 when we erm , er when we were doing those projects we erm , we had a comments book and more , more people were in favour of them and saw them as an improvement to the town and so it needs something that 's really interesting actually , it 's er , erm the work 's department have said , as a result of those graffiti projects they can shift two officer 's from the graffiti team to the highway 's team , so it 's actually cut down on the work of actually clearing up unwanted graffiti , so it 's had a positive effect , so we , we 've got these two people work with the other people and we 've got Dorothy who 's working with , with black people and ethnic minorities in the town and erm for people who were here when this presentation was last given , er Robin who used to be in the local The Policy Team of the Local Government Unit is now actually a Community Development Officer , one of the decision 's , Robin use to do video work for the Authority erm , and we decided we asset whether the the need for that kind of , k ind of work to continue , and we thought on balance not erm and he now is running the music rehearsal space over at Latton Bush , that again is a project for young people , to enable , it 's a place where band 's can practice and that 's the problem in Harlow erm and er that 's really exciting project because it 's bringing in a lot of income for the Council as as well as providing the service that people want and , and it , I mean it is important at this time that we are doing limited projects where we are bringing in income , cos at , you know we estimate that erm we can get that erm rehearsal space properly resource , that project could be self financing , so your providing a service but your also getting paid , your getting paid for as well , so erm that is who we are now and were er , where were located , we have an open door policy as people will know .
19 There are times when barbel are so preoccupied with whatever business they have at hand , whether it be feeding , spawning , or just browsing , you can stand on the river 's edge right over the top of them and watch them without them taking fright and scurrying off .
20 Then there was a heavy pause , like the moment a ball must feel between the time it 's thrown up and the time it starts to come down , and something picked up all three of them and slid them into a struggling heap .
21 Sometimes we got into a shoal of them and pulled them in as fast as we could handle the lines ; sometimes we failed to find any .
22 Then , leaning forward , she picked an olive out of the glass dish in front of them and held it between thumb and forefinger .
23 We expect the people to be like them and presuppose it in dealing with the people themselves .
24 Where were all those young hopefuls , who even in their crippled state had left death behind them and saw nothing but a future ?
25 So all attending had brought their freshly picked bunches with them and laid them on the coffin as they arrived , and I must say that it looked — and smelled — lovely .
26 The viking army also would not let the giantesses rest , but sailed away with them and set them to grinding salt ; they ground so much that the boat sank and the mill with it , though still ( adds folk-tradition ) in the Maelstrom the giantesses grind their magic quern .
27 The mind of the human observer is endowed with creative imagination ; this allows the scientist not only to make discoveries about the laws of nature but to tamper with them and exploit them to his own advantage .
28 The police spokesman added : ‘ It is incredible that someone should carry so much cash around with them and leave it in a car .
29 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
30 The players took the numbers in the score where Toscanini had lost his temper with them and entered them into the lottery .
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