Example sentences of "[prep] they [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos he 'll eat them , he 'll be stood there waiting for them coming out of the blooming oven !
2 And that was for them going just for the day .
3 He preferred more ambiguity and liked the idea of one or other of them sleepwalking accidentally into the other 's room ; that would have been less crude than prior agreements .
4 The company participates in nearly a score of such ventures , some of them dating back to the 1930s .
5 You now have the cards with all of them facing upwards except the top one .
6 I spent a little while there and enjoyed a helicopter trip for the very first time , although not without considerable trepidation having once or twice seen pictures of them whizzing down to the ground in pieces .
7 All the ages of man and all the races of Islam seemed to be represented : mustachioed Arabs , dark-skinned Somalis , small South Indians in lungis , huge Delhi businessmen bulging out of their pyjamas , prodigiously bearded Afghans swathed in shawls like Old Testament prophets — all of them surging up through the Meena Bazaar towards the Jama Masjid steps .
8 They leaned close momentarily then began to come forward again , slowly , looking about them , the first of them pointing up at the ruined monastery .
9 It would be nice to think of them working together on the training ground .
10 No , the , the , the extension of them going up for the cup and all , that 's what it was .
11 The men it was meant for now rush into the road in front of her , one of them vaulting straight over the taxi bonnet as Rainbow bangs on the brakes .
12 There had been some hefty wooden icons hanging up on the walls , and , if they had burnt , then there would have been something left of them lying around on the floor .
13 They were beings like Miach , a crowd of them walking down to the shore from the forest .
14 Oh , he had them locked antler to antler now , two proud stags with lowered heads and rolling eyes , gathering their sinews for the thrust that should send one of them backing out of the contest .
15 And somehow , he could n't imagine either of them coming around to the house for some beers and a pizza and a John Wayne movie on the video .
16 They do not fly at ordinary room temperatures and they crawl only slowly , so there will not be much danger of them crawling out of the container and escaping .
17 And the two of them shuffling in with the hoods of their duffel coats over their heads and their school scarves pulled over noses and mouths like a pair of monks doing the rounds during the Black Death .
18 Oh it would have been half as small , and she used to tell us grand stories with them setting off in the morning with their a bottle of milk and their , it 's like a pi with them , to keep the fire going to keep them warm and everything .
19 Dentdale is superb walking country : the high ridge walks along Rise Hill and Barbon Fell are amongst the best in the Dales , while lower down , the Dales Way long-distance path follows the river for much of its length into Sedbergh , and some of the wooded gills like Flinter Gill , which arc a typical feature of Dentdale , have footpaths along them leading on to the fells or on to the old packhorse routes .
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