Example sentences of "[prep] he [conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I used to look after him while he played with his favourite toys .
2 She stood looking after him as he strode down the corridor towards the opposite end of the house .
3 Well it was a town then but since then it 's been made a city , you see , and I got to know all kinds of people and one gentleman came in there , used to come every evening and write a book and er , I used to look after him if I happened to be that end and er , you see , and then he 'd say , oh just an exchange you know about the weather and just in general thing and then I 'd leave him and he 'd get on with his writing and one day he said to me .
4 He remained as tenant , as did his sister after him until she died in the late sixties . ’
5 A visitor who heard him speak long remembered how the feeling of the meeting rose towards him when he got on his legs .
6 Emmie tried to get hold of him but he fought like the baby wild cat her mother had once been given to tame .
7 It was recorded of him that he sang with the monks in the divine offices ; when taunted by the king for his clerkly tastes , he responded that an illiterate king was a crowned ass ( a cliché much favoured in twelfth-century Angevin circles , for it sprang from a sense of family superiority — the counts of Anjou were , by any standards , learned men ) .
8 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
9 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
10 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
11 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
12 yes , clever ride there , there oh God look at the state of him before he falls in
13 A snow-covered hedge loomed up ahead of him and he made for the shelter of it .
14 His cap 's on the floor in front of him and I think about picking it up for him , cos maybe if he 's blind he do n't know he 's dropped it .
15 Still gripping her arm , he pushed her ahead of him and she stumbled into a walk , unable to fight his vastly superior strength .
16 Then with a little grin , so much like the old devil-may-care Hilary , she proceeded to demonstrate all her new-found skills , her hands and tongue touching every magnificent inch of him until he pleaded for her to stop .
17 His mother — God rest her — had got more of a spark out of him when they went to nearby Ballymahon and Oliver Goldsmith 's birthplace , but that was only because he had already at school learned off by heart the whole of ‘ The Deserted Village ’ .
18 He looked right whatever he wore , so handsome that girls stood up to catch a glimpse of him when he walked into a café .
19 Charles was only ever jealous of him when he served with some distinction as a helicopter pilot during the Falklands war .
20 I 'm not bothered Kath because er er as I look at it it 's more for me to put in front of him when I get to him
21 That 's what I think of him when I think of him at all . ’
22 But I believe you would be fond of him if he looked like your camel .
23 A student at Lashan Gliding Centre was badly hurt once when the glider lifted off the ground and came down on top of him as he walked by the nose .
24 But he did n't even wait to hear her protests that she was all right , and came back a minute later with two hospital pillows which he arranged for her , and she thought the faintly male , musky and intensely sensual smell of him as he bent over her was making her more faint than loss of blood .
25 Ian is obviously a deeply spiritual person and I for one am NOT going to take the piss out of him as he recounts to us his close encounter with ‘ them ’ .
26 So I had to go past him and I went past him and my friend gave
27 Alarm rose in response to the dark , angry glitter her defiant claim brought to his eyes , and as he began to move towards her , Maria also moved , whirling past him as he came round the desk .
28 The boy could feel Izzie 's body brush past him as she crawled into a corner .
29 'E 's keen on 'er , and she seemed ti be fond of 'im till 'e asked for 'er in wedlock . ’
30 This sound , tautening to the pitch of a screech , interrupted Davide 's growing up ; it had frightened children like him as they played in the streets , but sent a shiver through them that also excited them .
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