Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [adv] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The answer to that is simply to make sure that we use radiation of a wavelength short enough to be compatible with whatever accuracy we choose to specify .
2 But this shift of emphasis was not due to any direct influence from the Formalists whom , as I have said , the New Critics did not know ; it was due to the influence of a figure much closer to home , the poet T.S .
3 But with her view of her caller blocked by the open door and her guest , Leith was in too much of a dilemma just then to be too infuriated by the liberty he had taken .
4 But a picture is like a window straight through to your inmost heart .
5 I was working like a madman right up to the minute of the last show in London , then I collapsed in the studio .
6 I was working like a madman right up to the minute of the last show in London , then I collapsed in the studio .
7 Having negotiated the final stages of the pay beds , and the legislation with David Ennals ( now Lord Ennals ) , who had succeeded Barbara Castle at the DHSS , it was gratifying to my vanity to be called upon by him very shortly afterwards for a purpose much closer to my heart .
8 A chance for a swim then on to the friendly and charming island of Paxos for the evening .
9 John became a justice of the Common Bench in Easter term 1275 and the formal records of the court show him acting as a justice continuously down to the end of 1289 .
10 Whipping out a dagger that glistened wetly with venom , he lunged for Richmann with a speed as close to that of a striking cobra as is humanly possible .
11 From November , 1914 , Ruhleben ( racecourse stables outside Berlin ) housed for up to four years about 4000 Britons , who ranged from several honeymoon couples just arrived in Germany for their August holidays to dons and students on walking or reading parties , musicians and sportsmen snatched from festivals , and even a journalist with an ear supposedly close to the ground , Israel Cohen , a German correspondent for the London press who had cheerfully left on July 29 for his vacation near Dresden .
12 However , it is artistically total tosh and merely a vehicle for an imagination nowhere close to reaching puberty .
13 For a time it seems water was pumped straight from the canal and/or from a well perilously close to it ( see 1840 plan ) .
14 This has brought the temperature of the ions in a plasma right up to the regime required in reactors .
15 But it 's controlled in a way rather differently to that which it 's controlled now .
16 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
17 Women leave , afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor .
18 The sand grains themselves are confined to a layer very near to the surface and thus their erosive effect is very limited in vertical extent , while surface creep can obviously affect only an extremely limited vertical range .
19 When I mentioned Burma , his feeling of satisfaction was obvious , though his sense of integrity had prevented him from deciding that I should go to a country so close to his own heart .
20 Further excitement was Barney and Ronnie 's Moving Day : they moved with their two children from a house on the other side of the village to a house very near to us .
21 Some of the largest marsupials ( Diprotodon ) seem to have survived to a time tantalisingly close to the present .
22 Yet probably The Rock relies on a form too close to extinction at the time for it to bring the whole revue to life .
23 In this example the load torque is negligible , so the rates of acceleration and deceleration are equal and deceleration is initiated at a point exactly halfway to the target .
24 She judged the first to be that of some official and wondered what such a one would be doing there at an hour now close to midnight .
25 This year , however , Britain has been faced by a tyrant much closer to home .
26 The keynote for the last years of Offa , however , is sounded by an event much closer to home than the Carolingian court .
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