Example sentences of "[prep] and [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person arising out of' and in the course of such persons employment by the person claiming to be indemnified under this Section
2 Courtesy of and of the Department of Applied Chemical and Physical Sciences .
3 The 1989 regulations are similar to the 1987 regulations in several respects ; for example , it is the topography of a semiconductor which is protected being , by regulation 2 , a design which is either : ( a ) the pattern fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon ( i ) a layer of a semiconductor product , or ( ii ) a layer of material in the course of and for the purpose of the manufacture of a semiconductor product , or ( b ) the arrangement of the patterns fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon the layers of a semiconductor product in relation to one another .
4 In terms of and subject to the limitations of and for the purposes of this Section the Corporation will indemnify any person who is using such Caravan with the permission of the Policyholder provided that
5 The King was , however , also King of his Dominions and it had been provided by the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 , that Parliament should not legislate for the Dominions ( defined as Australia , Canada , the Irish Free State , Newfoundland , New Zealand and the Union of South Africa ) except at the request of and with the consent of the Dominion concerned .
6 But the rigour of the criminal law is relaxed in her favour by the provision of the same Act that , on a charge against her for any offence , other than treason or murder , it is a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of and under the coercion of her husband .
7 The chest of this fish is adapted to give sufficient power to the large pectoral fins so that the fish can leap and glide out of and across the surface of the water when it is necessary to escape from danger .
8 Left : The chest of the Marbled Hatchetfish is adapted to give enough power to the large pectoral fins to allow the fish to leap and glide out of and across the surface of the water , to escape from danger .
9 for bodily injury or disease contracted by any person under a contract of service or apprenticeship with the Insured Person when such injury or disease arises out of and in the course of his/her employment by the Insured Person ;
10 Until 1987 this part of the social security system did not discriminate on grounds of age , the basic qualification being that an employee suffers disablement as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment .
11 The policy shall not by virtue of subsection ( 3 ) ( a ) above , be required to cover ( a ) liability in respect of the death , arising out of and in the course of his employment , of a person in the employment of a person insured by the policy or of bodily injury sustained by such a person arising out of and in the course of his employment ; or other such matters .
12 The policy shall not by virtue of subsection ( 3 ) ( a ) above , be required to cover ( a ) liability in respect of the death , arising out of and in the course of his employment , of a person in the employment of a person insured by the policy or of bodily injury sustained by such a person arising out of and in the course of his employment ; or other such matters .
13 The word ‘ accident ’ was being interpreted in the context of the Workmen 's Compensation Act , and the result of the decision was that the widow of the deceased workman was entitled to compensation from the employer , because the murder in question arose out of and in the course of the employment .
14 9.3 When an employee is absent due sickness or disablement as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment , the employee will be entitled to a separate allowance calculated on the same basis as the sickness allowance .
15 The employer became an insurer for injuries received out of and in the course of employment .
16 1.6.5 immediately to bring to the attention of any improper or wrongful use of 's trade marks , designs , models or other similar industrial , intellectual or commercial property rights which come to the notice of and in the performance of its duties under this Agreement , and to use every effort to safeguard the property rights and interests of and and at the request and cost of , take all steps required by to defend such rights ;
17 As we pointed out in Chapter 1 , the importance of theories in the pursuit of and in the constitution of " facts " is hard to underestimate .
18 The situation is much simpler where software is written for and at the request of a client .
19 Here then , amongst the Lugbara , we see a thoroughly moralistic creed , based upon and administered by ancestor spirits , and applied for and to the benefit of the village elders .
20 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
21 This was not all : " And for the residue of my Thirdd parte of goods Remayning unbequeathed be yt moore or lesse My will and mynde ys that it shall remayne and bee for and towards the maynetenance of an usher to teache under the Scholemaster of Stockport for ever .
22 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
23 Origination by Brookland Litho Services Ltd Assay is produced for and by the employees of the Johnson Matthey Group
24 I have listened carefully to the arguments that have been advanced both for and against the revival of the Bill .
25 There is an obvious mixture of pointers both for and against the existence of a Deity .
26 It is proposed , despite the fact that it is the unorthodox view of insider dealing which is singled out for special attention , to review the policy arguments for and against the use of inside information , even where at times the debate seems more applicable to the traditional view of insider dealing .
27 1 What arguments could you put forward for and against the use of the cane based on what you have read in this story ? 2 Who do you think is the most senior of the three teachers here ?
28 Their elders in more serious mood watch from a distance the Charge of the Light Brigade and , in the course of discussing the future of their young relatives , indulge in a dispute for and against the innovation of steam in naval vessels .
29 Dr Greenaway used The British Deaf News for making his own views known : " We do not intend to repeat yet once again all the arguments for and against the retention of the word " dumb " , he wrote in February 1970 ; " what is important , however , is to emphasise the fact that in the mind of the general public and even more completely in the minds of modem generations of deaf boys and girls the word " dumb " is out .
30 Faced with this challenge , the Labour Government issued a consultative document in 1976 , Devolution : the English Dimension , which outlined arguments for and against the establishment of elected regional authorities in England .
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