Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Farrah spent the night at a hotel less than two miles from the bungalow after being reunited with her parents , Bernadette and Shane .
2 By the time the Earthtrust team arrived , two nursing calves had already died of starvation after being separated from their mothers .
3 They must have been washed up on this ancient beach after being torn from their moorings , perhaps by a storm .
4 It was a great joy to get ashore after being cramped with our fellows , not all of them Air Force .
5 Your puppy is tense and will more often than not cry after being taken from his litter-mates .
6 Earlier this week in Surrey , a businessman 's wife was beaten and robbed of seventy five thousand pound 's worth of jewellery after being attacked in her sports car on the M Twenty Five .
7 All who went through that regime of training remember the extremes of fatigue and of being pushed to their limits .
8 Swiss housewives rejected this appeal , apparently put off by the idea of being replaced in their homes by machines .
9 ‘ Not much chance of being rushed off your feet this morning . ’
10 Instead of being based on your earnings , they depend on what contributions you make , how much these earn in dividends and interest payments , and what annuity you can buy when you retire .
11 Her arms and legs ached , and because of her pending interrogation she was ever conscious of being stripped of her knickers .
12 The result was that , instead of being swept off her feet as maybe he intended , she found him funny .
13 Yes , but I was quite happy to feel like that , precisely because I was afraid of being influenced by my roots .
14 He seemed to be haunted by a fear of being forgotten by his friends and Gould became one of the many objects of an obsessive correspondence .
15 And as for recalling those moments of being held in his arms … she 'd be wise to forget them .
16 God 's truth , however , is much less comfortable , and the habit of being stretched by its demands is challenging .
17 Farmworkers are in danger of being milked by their employers if the Agricultural Wages Board is scrapped .
18 Richard Rampton QC , for Count Tolstoy , cross-examining Lord Aldington , said : ‘ These people were in mortal fear of being returned to their homes . ’
19 A tradition is not a matter of being set in your ways .
20 But none have forgotten the pain of being driven from their parents nor the welcome and love they were given at Waddesdon as a small compensation for that loss .
21 Virginia , you see , was quite a brave Brownie , despite being scared by her schoolfriends ' stories of the witch of Wardle Wood .
22 Union members who apply for the Commissioner 's assistance are protected against being disciplined by their unions because they have done so .
23 Even for the world 's fittest men , riding up them and surviving is like being battered onto your hands and knees .
24 One of the common threads that have emerged from my dicussions has been the necessity , when considering how the law might be reformed , of tackling the question of protecting employees from being obliged by their employers to work on Sundays , against their wishes , or incurring any penalty for not doing so .
25 Companies surely benefit from being quizzed about their strategies and from a free flow of ideas with the market .
26 The dummy is nonetheless a vital element in the scrum-half 's armoury in order to buy that odd half-second of time ; for example , in a scrum where a flanker or scrum-half is set to pounce as the ball lies at the opposing no.8 's feet , a dummy for the no.9 would ( 1 ) remind the players where the off-side line is , and ( 2 ) buy him an extra second of time to distribute the ball , and ( 3 ) avoid potential injury from being flattened by his opponents and , controversially … ( 4 ) earn the chance of a penalty .
27 The survivor , No. 59 at Fleetwood Depot in 1939 , before being stripped of its steps , handrails and trolley mast .
28 A split-second after the stoppage , the 26-year-old Magee crashed to the canvas taking an embarrassed Thomas with him and needed a couple of minutes to recover before being hauled to his feet .
29 Their knowledge is likely to be based on their memories of their own parenting .
30 Built as a rival to the parish church at Lavenham , Long Melford was financed by local parishioners , some of whose names were carved in stone around the clerestory in an inscription which called for prayers to be said for their souls .
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