Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Church was the essence of being to Medieval peoples whether in town or village .
2 Arguments are more likely to be over domestic chores and money , than children or sex ( which caused very few rows indeed — only 11% ) .
3 These dreams tend not to be about sudden drops or stumbles , but of long drops from high buildings or down deep holes , ending in collisions with the ground , or perhaps with miraculously soft landings .
4 Presumably each side would want to state its position about the quality/condition of the sample and the evidence would presumably be about other samples said to be of various qualities or conditions .
5 The tyres on the locomotive 's driving wheels were found to be of different sizes after they had been reprofiled by a well-known company in South Wales .
6 It was basically envisaged to be of national proportions as well as non-denominational , with religious instruction given in separate classes .
7 The illustrations had to be of ruined castles and dark forests , mythical monsters and fire-breathing dragons , unicorns , trolls and goblins , and a golden-haired boy who fought against the forces of the night .
8 In turn , they prefer it precisely because it enables them to be with fellow immigrants and avoid the hostility of white workers on the day-shift .
9 It 's hard for most men to be with successful women but Robert is very proud of me . ’
10 Any analogies have to be with living creatures that are distantly related in the zoological sense , although there may be reasons to suspect that they have similar life habits to those that the fossil animals once enjoyed .
11 Soil-nutrients have been found to be at similar levels as under mature forest , at least so far as phosphorus , organic carbon and nitrogen are concerned , though the pH and cation concentrations are higher .
12 As numbers of mortgage arrears and repossessions grow , especially in London and the Southeast , and with up to 10 per cent of mortgage borrowers said to be in minor arrears or postponed repayments , building societies and other lenders are being particularly careful to offer their borrowers help in paying .
13 Almost constantly she longed to be like ordinary-looking girls and have a fellow , even if , like most attachments on the station , it was only a temporary affair .
14 " I do n't want to be like other women and cheat you .
15 The ones not accounted for were in little pockets that were cut off and taken prisoner and I think that 's what happened to Terry . ’
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