Example sentences of "[prep] the fact that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 In February 1756 reference is made to four illustrations ‘ sent some time since by our friend , Mr. Collinson ’ and Miller said he would have sent others except for the fact that he had been waiting for better colourists .
2 The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling , for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next .
3 In the end , he told me , he got quite good at it and reckoned that this form of involuntary pitch training was responsible for the fact that he had a good musical ear now .
4 At the Appeal today , Lord Lane said dabbling in heroin is dabbling in potential death , but Clarke , a machinist from Malvern , was not given enough credit for the fact that he had pleaded guilty .
5 He said I was just covering up for the fact that I had n't the faintest idea of what was wrong . ’
6 In its own way the co-operative was quite a success story if only for the fact that it had kept going more or less continuously for almost five years .
7 Much more likely he boasted about the fact that he had the top man working for him . ’
8 My sleep/wake clock had bust a spring and I was worried about the fact that it had been Billy Tuckett who had dropped through the skylight .
9 But anyway , the railways there was a spurt on between in the late sixties on the railway and that 's when I think I was sure , not only because I was a branch secretary at the time but I 'm sure that all the British Railways there was a greater awareness of the fact that we had been deceived by the word nationalization .
10 Thiercelin , for instance , had no idea of the fact that they had been listening to the work of the greatest composer of the day .
11 The Direktor felt , not for the first time , deeply resentful of the fact that they had any part in choosing the programme .
12 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
13 As part of their case , the Church made much of the fact that there had been no objection to demolition from within the village .
14 The recent spell of warm weather was holding and Julie Murchison was feeling good in spite of the fact that she had spent the last hour in her Mother 's sick room .
15 For the first time since her escape she was very conscious of the fact that she had given birth only a month before and could even fancy she felt a pulling sensation where the fundament stitches had been .
16 The landlord was aware of the fact that she had made that application but , notwithstanding that , on 4 December 1989 he applied for execution .
17 My sister , Mrs Joe Gargery , was very proud of the fact that she had brought me up ‘ by hand ’ .
18 It was good to know that all her veterinary training had come to her aid in spite of the fact that she had been working for two years with small animals only .
19 Chris had a normal middle-class background , with the exception of the fact that he had been adopted and brought up in Sutton Coldfield by step-parents called Bott .
20 In spite of the fact that he had let her down badly and most devastating of all , even though he now had a new love — Beth still pined for him .
21 A few months before , when she was much younger , she would have screeched this aloud and brought the breakfast table to an uproar , but now she smiled while the coldness took careful and eternal appreciation of the fact that he had been flattered to be asked .
22 No-one suggested weaving a circle round the headmaster thrice , in view of the fact that he had obviously fed on honeydew and drunk the milk of paradise .
23 McCallen agreed that there is some pressure on him in view of the fact that he had five wins last year at the meeting but he added : ‘ If I only get two this time I 'll be happy .
24 In spite of the fact that he had not set foot in Toledo throughout the entire operation , he was acclaimed as the saviour of the alcazar and received with smiles and gestures of obvious satisfaction the near-delirious attentions of the survivors of the siege .
25 In general , de Gaulle 's rapport with Allied publics was remarkably good , especially in view of the fact that he had no prior experience of either country , spoke at best a halting English , and had to overcome systematic attempts by the governments to influence press coverage against him .
26 My clever chat would avail me nothing in the face of the fact that I had chosen to ally myself with a woman who practically peed her pants at some salesman 's blue jokes .
27 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
28 If I wanted to , I could change my name regardless of the fact that I had not committed any crime .
29 The tenth edition of the Kalendar in 1754 , contained a write-tip of the sixth edition of the Dictionary ( 1752 ) and on its title page was notice of the fact that it had been ‘ adapted to the new style , with a list of medicinal plants which may be gathered in each month for use ’ .
30 However , if the scene had been described , and the noun phrase der Schrank used , it would be natural to regard the encoding of the fact that it had been used , as part of a representation of the text 's superficial characteristics .
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