Example sentences of "[prep] the [num ord] time [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A REBEL priest who defies church law by marrying divorced Catholics is to conduct a wedding in Edinburgh for the first time next year .
2 THE hearts of millions of viewers will go out to Michael Aspel 's 12-year-old son Patrick when he appears on TV for the first time next month .
3 Now that they have achieved that ambition ahead of schedule , Stokes has the chance to take a team into Europe for the first time next season .
4 Having watched both the East End Park team and Kilmarnock in action against Raith this month , my guess is that two teams from Fife will compete in the Premier Division for the first time next season — provided Dunfermline get their act together in defence .
5 London , who retain the side that defeated the Midlands last weekend , are favourites to clinch the title they won for the first time last year .
6 CHINA : Amnesty International was publicly recognised by a senior government official in the People 's Republic of China for the first time last year , in connection with the commutation of the death sentence of Lobsang Tenzin , a Tibetan student accused of the murder of a Chinese policeman .
7 In the Ladies ' Singles , Jenny Binns is defending the title she won for the first time last year .
8 Talking of Lester Piggott he of course was the winner of the first ever Channel Four personality of the year trophy which we awarded for the first time last year .
9 Targets for reducing the death toll from heart disease , cancer and other illnesses were set for the first time last year , yet little has happened since then , the British Medical Association said yesterday .
10 For the first time last night , the official ADN news agency published a statement by the group , and a regional newspaper printed a ‘ catalogue ’ of New Forum demands yesterday .
11 THE mothers at the centre of the hospital baby swop case talked of their anguish for the first time last night .
12 THE most powerful man in world cricket admitted for the first time last night that he is frightened of being sued over the Lambgate Scandal .
13 ‘ Contact made for the first time last night .
14 At least 645 different designs were published — the number in Mr Hooker 's collection , shown for the first time last weekend at the British Matchbox Label and Booklet Society 's annual exhibition in London .
15 A late developer on the world championship trail , Cardus made his debut in 1983 , won his first GP in 1989 and led a world championship for the first time last season .
16 THE new Sussex Downs Conservation Board , which will have responsibilities for 600 square miles of countryside in West and East Sussex , met for the first time last week and elected Baroness Cumberlege as chairman .
17 ‘ I was asked for the first time last week what I 'd do if we got into the Premier League .
18 Goal machine Martin McGaughey , even deadlier than Cowan at his Linfield peak , had a chance to decide for himself when he faced Smith for the first time last week .
19 Bangor , beaten for the first time last week , will be keen to bounce back to winning ways by seeing off Ruthin , who welcome back bowler Owen Hughes following a finger injury .
20 JOHN CLEESE married for the third time last night and , like his previous wives , his new bride is an American .
21 He said he forgot to put in his letter that your hero , Steve Donaghue , won the Derby for the third time last year but you probably knew that ages ago .
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