Example sentences of "[prep] the [num ord] time for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is success for the second time for Mr Myers and his long-term business partner Karen Jones .
2 The horse was racing for the first time for Epsom trainer Roger Ingram having previously run in Ireland for Joanna Morgan .
3 On Sept. 30 he called for the first time for dialogue to reach an equitable global settlement , addressing himself particularly to France which he had identified as more flexible [ see below for Mitterrand 's UN speech ] , although once again stressing that there would be no compromise over Kuwait belonging to Iraq .
4 The long-established tendency for national populations to become more concentrated in large metropolitan centres and their surrounding hinterlands was found to be interrupted , if not broken : major cities were losing population not just from their older inner areas but from their whole city regions , while more remote rural areas with a history of depopulation began to record population growth for the first time for decades ( Morrison and Wheeler , 1976 ; Vining and Strauss , 1977 ; Vining and Kontuly , 1978 ; Brown and Wardwell , 1980 ; Fielding , 1982 ) .
5 The absence of training posed a serious threat to the self-esteem of secondees who , for the first time for example , found themselves teaching adults ( students in colleges or experienced teachers in workshops ) .
6 Nor should it be forgotten , as Professor Orth has pointed out , that in 1799 penalties were prescribed for the first time for workmen as a class , not for hatters or paper makers as a special group ; in other words , the language of the act was concerned with a horizontal social division , not with the reconciliation of difference within the vertical structure of a craft .
7 ‘ For instance , when you asked the official you met to find you some film-makers to talk to , he rung me up and spoke to me for the first time for years .
8 He started typing and found himself enjoying it for the first time for years .
9 He never came to the hotel drunk and for the first time for years worked almost to a routine .
10 He said it took about a month to get all the alcohol out of your system but once you 'd done it , and this was his main point , you suddenly realise that , for the first time for years , you can see the world like it really is . ’
11 ‘ Neither does anyone else , but of course Graham 's furious now that he 's started winning , because for the first time for years he could have set up some good contracts — and not least collected some commission on the bonuses paid by Hi-Flight . ’
12 Mick Redmond had finished a tour of operations and was on leave when John came on leave so the brothers were able to spend some time together for the first time for years .
13 There was a certain rapprochement though , as Mary came down with her things in the back-pack Rufus had lent her and wearing jeans and a pair of sandals for the first time for days .
14 For the first time for months , and for the last time ever , I enjoyed the feeling of happiness .
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