Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] that [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Like the protagonist in Out , Larry interprets his own identity through the discourses that organize his experience .
2 He moved at once , for he would not lie here on the floor before this ancient evil creature and , although it was awkward and painful to stand up because of the ropes that bound his arms , he did so in a swift fluid movement and stood eyeing the Robemaker .
3 He began to study this idea , and he was to think later ( ‘ When I could think sanely again , ’ he said ) that this was one of the things that saved his reason .
4 One of the things that makes his account so useful — so much more than the anecdotal triviality of which he is so carelessly accused — is his ability to compare and contrast this informal repair work with the formal structures of explicit legal process .
5 This dilemma may well have been one of the factors that precipitated his eventual madness , which began in 1802 : that possibility adequately suggests the existential seriousness of the Greek ideal for the German writers under its spell .
6 Visiting the Head Office of one of the companies that used his services in response to an urgent summons was one of them .
7 These performances directed by Kuijken have many of the qualities that made his set of the Haydn ‘ Paris ’ Symphonies , also on Virgin , so winning .
8 First , the hon. Gentleman is terrified of saying anything that would upset his trade union paymasters ; secondly , he is afraid to do anything that would remind the electorate of the chains that bind his party to those paymasters — the bosses of the trade unions .
9 A huge part of the real Mr Kinnock remains hidden behind the curtains that segregate his private jet .
10 It was n't long before that pain merged with the others that covered his body .
11 John Crix of Sale has been more aggressive with the dogs that frequent his local canal towpath .
12 It was the plentiful supply of ‘ fixed air ’ ( carbon dioxide was so called in the 18th century ) above the vats that held his attention .
13 Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie would suffer from the carbuncles that afflicted his buttocks as he composed Das Kapital .
14 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
15 He is still haunted by the mistakes that cost his country so dearly in the European ties last season .
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