Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] that [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 The available statistics offer some support for the allegations that there was much perjury .
2 I dreamt of making an Olympic team when I was in high school , a rather far-fetched dream for a 4:36 miler , but that dream was part of what got me through all those hard times during the years that I was losing race after race in college .
3 You can see it 's , it 's quite short actually , and I do n't , I mean , she was n't that small , because you can tell by the , the rest of the , the size of the bodice and the length of the arms that she was n't as small as this dress would make her out to be .
4 ( b ) In the alternative , any findings of the justices that there was no alternative to a secure accommodation order were unsupported by the evidence before them .
5 The argument on appeal from the ruling of the justices that there was no case to answer — a decision that Donaldson L.J .
6 One of the ladies that she was talking about the dogs she said Freda you see .
7 Her approach to academic seminars would seem to confirm some of the claims that she was totally out of her depth when it came to discussing the new discoveries which she had allegedly made .
8 Er I 'll explain why it happened an and then perhaps you 'll hopefully find that you can forgive me , and er then I 'll go on and say one or two of the things that I was gon na say this morning but er did n't .
9 When I yeah when I was commercial manager for er one of the things that I was given the job to do was to sort out the company 's buying .
10 Stephen refers to a crime being excusable if the defendant can show as one of the requisites that what was done was done to avoid a consequence which could not otherwise have been avoided , and which , if not done , would have inflicted harm on him or on others he was bound to protect .
11 But one of the complaints that I was very bitter about was at that time I cycled to my work and they had paving stones in the bakery with the slits in them for to keep bikes .
12 But er I that 's one of the complaints that I was very bitter about .
13 ‘ It was only slightly traumatic , but I knew from my safety audit of the operators that it was virtually impossible for things to go wrong , ’ explained Nigel .
14 But it certainly could not be said of the master-manufacturers that theirs was the whisper of a faction , nor of the unions in their post-1832 revolutionary phase that theirs was the voice of the nation .
15 Of , one of the words that she was talking about , people have started using wicked for a normal phrase .
16 I 'd not expected to convince the police at the top of the falls that I was a very sane person , nor did I expect them to believe Paul 's emergency story that we were a group of passing Hippies taking our kayaks for a walk .
17 Capron had lent me the gun , and suggested the ploy of telling Graham that I had found new evidence that would clear his name of the allegations that he was a Soviet agent .
18 Speaker 11 was the white girl who , as speaker 2 speaking Creole , convinced most of the listeners that she was black .
19 Many of the arguments that he was later to use in his campaign against integration of French forces in NATO were first rehearsed in speeches and press conferences between 1949 and 1954 : for example , the unacceptability of a command structure that placed French troops and assets under non-French control ; or the inherent unreliability of the American nuclear umbrella , once the USSR had acquired the bomb .
20 But even this did n't dispel some of the confusions that I was feeling .
21 The Doctor explained to the colonel apparently in charge of the troops that he was the scientific advisor for UNIT .
22 Unfortunately , problems still remain with regard to delivery and it seems that in the case of an individual delivery will still be necessary as the old law still applies , with the result that a document will be treated as delivered when it is clear that it was intended by one of the parties that he was to be bound by the terms of the document .
23 But since he had only a vague idea about the length of the Tarvaras day , he could only guess from the position of the sun and the length of the shadows that it was mid to late afternoon .
24 The Oval was a good cricket wicket despite the stories that it was being prepared for Laker and Lock .
25 What was he doing with the things that he was finding ?
26 O'Hara 's landlady called up the stairs that he was wanted on the telephone .
27 But I know from the jailers that she was tortured !
28 It was clear from the reports that he was an insanely jealous man who , for example , ‘ made [ his wife ] walk with her head down so she could n't see the bulge in men 's trousers ’ .
29 I accept that it has taken a few years for the process to be completed , but everyone who studies the history books will be able to trace the downfall of the Thatcher Government — as some may still call it — to the time when she was foolish enough to remove the right hon. Gentleman from the duties that he was carrying out so successfully .
30 For some this was an entirely new experience , and it was felt within the schools that there was now a greater awareness among a significant proportion of staff of what was available on the shelves , and of the appropriateness and readability of book material .
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