Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] that may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 DEAN SAUNDERS last night pleaded his innocence for the challenge that may have put Paul Elliott out for the season .
2 Sensitive questioning will reveal aspects within the family and about the child that may have been ignored previously .
3 Others , however , will develop a chronic and progressive malfunction of the liver that may lead to total liver failure .
4 The problem of the damage that may result from litigation is undoubtedly a real one , and argues against giving shareholders unrestricted standing to sue , which might otherwise be regarded as a plausible means of increasing the chances of enforcement .
5 Some idea of the variation that may occur along an individual plate boundary can be gained by considering the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean .
6 Other motor abnormalities of the oesophagus that may contribute to the development of reflux oesophagitis are diminished peristaltic pressure amplitude , shortened duration and slowed propagation of the contraction waves , reduced peristaltic frequency , and delayed oesophageal transit .
7 Departments will have to place a monetary value on any destruction of the environment that may result from government policies , meaning that environmental impact will be assessed at the same time as other benefits and costs .
8 Their vision of ‘ the planet being as it were wrapped in telepathic or electronic thought of more and more brains working away ’ seems to her ‘ dangerously like the pollution that may stifle it ’ and ‘ essentially an elitist dream ’ ( 1981:388 ) .
9 At the outset , it also considers issues within the organisation that may indicate areas of potential improvement .
10 Most simply the insurance protects the value of your home against any action by another flat dweller in the block that may devalue your property .
11 A well-worn path not marked on the map that may have been an old link between Gawthrop and the track called Long Bank that crosses Middleton Fell , leads to the right of the crags into a slight outcrop of rock marked by a lone hawthorn .
12 Here , the shapely Am Bodach makes you ache to carry on , and although it looks sharp but simple , there is quite a vertigo-inducing section of easy scrambling at the top that may catch those without a head for heights unawares .
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