Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] it [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 From the memo it looks as though you ask me for the form as P.A. to Head of Group .
2 From the commentary it sounded as though Leeds did not really look like getting a 2nd equaliser .
3 He says that in the end it looks as though the TI offer may be taken up .
4 Inside the hotel it looked as though the nine-hundred-day siege of World War Two was still going on .
5 Yet a business has no ‘ score ’ to play by except the score it writes as it plays .
6 There are several fabliaux in which the explicit moral seems to be so incongruous in relation to the narrative it accompanies as to be facetious , if not sarcastic .
7 On the day we lost the hour on the clock it looks as though winter 's started in earnest .
8 The shelves towered above me and from where I sat on the floor it looked as though all of my toys were staring straight at me .
9 ‘ The superintendent of this building appears to be a broken reed , and unless I spend the next twenty-four hours on the telephone it looks as though we are plumb out of luck , ’ he added , throwing the phone book down in disgust .
10 ‘ Maybe they should build a police station on the site it looks as though it could come in very handy in the future … ‘
11 At the moment it looks as though shock Juddmonte International winner Ezzoud will come over from England and if that 's the case we could have an intriguing race on our hands .
12 At the moment it looks as though Ezzoud , who won the Juddmonte International at York will take his chance and after that shock win over Sabrehill he must be fancied .
13 At the moment it looks as though Ezzoud , who won the Juddmonte International at York will take his chance and after that shock win over Sabrehill he must be fancied .
14 At the time it seemed as though the Midland had miraculously got its money back from the ill-fated venture .
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