Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 A light touch and not even a mouse could have scuttled through that ballroom without setting off the alarm all over the house — and the city .
2 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
3 Once the beer can had been invented , that is evolved , in one place , it was inevitable that it would eventually take the place of the bottle all over the world , though the process is still going on .
4 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
5 Once you have made your guess place the template with the centre of the hole directly over the point you have guessed .
6 Without these provisions , the collapse of the structure perhaps over a much wider area must be anticipated .
7 I would now ask for very small helpings , eat perhaps a mouthful , and then smear the rest of the food all over the plate , hiding the residue underneath an upturned fork .
8 Unless we start pasting bits of the script all over the set .
9 The RAF and the Army vie with each other fairly closely with an average of 18.3 per cent and 17.0 per cent of the vote respectively over the 24-year period .
10 She erm lived in a rented room in a settlement house in New York and she really provided the , the energy of the movement all over the country .
11 They can then be placed in a bowl or aquarium with the water just over the surface of the compost .
12 It hit the green and finished down in the rough with the flag just over a little rise ( he was down in Duncan 's Hollow ) .
13 Are they going to be erm falling into the sea gradually over the coming years ?
14 Digging up the road all over the place .
15 I think if you have mainly pain in there it 's much more likely to be a little bit of inflammation under the this tendon which goes from the muscle here over the top of the kneecap and attaches in there .
16 FURY erupted in a border town in the Republic yesterday over a sentence imposed on a hit-and-run driver from Ulster who left a young Gaelic footballer dying on a country road .
17 I could see now , in the better light , that a long mirror was on the wall directly over the bed .
18 We lay side by side on the floor all over the house — there must have been a dozen or more of us , including nice old Ma Mi who was delighted to see us .
19 Resulting from our systematical radio monitoring work around the clock all over the world .
20 Given that precedent , the institution by Thomas Attwood , a banker , of the Birmingham Political Union of the Lower and Middle Classes , to be followed at once by the creation all over the country of other political unions , must have seemed ominous .
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