Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To create a pleasant landscape experience for the motorist travelling along the route .
2 That 's compensation , is it for the tenants living in the flats ?
3 See Chapter 1 for the rules relating to the presentation of petitions in the High Court and various county courts having bankruptcy jurisdiction together with the list of such courts and the areas served by them in Appendix A. If there is a voluntary arrangement in force under Part VIII of the Act , the petition must be presented to the court dealing with the voluntary arrangement .
4 ( d ) For the provisions relating to the permanent transfer of licences , see s.25 .
5 For the provisions relating to the extension and restriction of permitted hours , see 55.64 and 65 .
6 ( 3 ) For the provisions relating to the provisional grant of a new licence , see s.26 .
7 ( 6 ) For the provisions relating to the renewal of a licence , the provisional grant of a licence , the permanent transfer of a licence , and the regular extension of permitted hours , see ss.24 , 25,26 and 64 respectively .
8 For the provisions relating to the currency of the final certificate granted under the 1959 Act , see s.132 .
9 ‘ The prisoners are picked for the operation according to the severity of their crime .
10 I 'm for the artist speaking to the audience , backing them and letting them do what they want .
11 In the Magistrates ' Court the decision as to verdict and sentence is entirely for the Justices acting on the advice of their Clerk , and of course it is erm true to say that generally speaking Justices will follow the advice of their Clerk , but they do n't have to .
12 The third rule is that an application to a tribunal claiming unfair dismissal casts the burden of proving a reason for the dismissal falling within the Act on the employer .
13 In addition , many of those who have had their homes repossessed are now being chased by building societies and banks for the short-falls arising after the sale of their homes , many of which are being sold for less than the mortgage owing on them .
14 FOLLOWING the report on the Beech 18 entered in next year 's Round the World Air Race by Len Perry in last month 's News pages , Len has informed us that the Beech will not now be entered in the race due to modifications needed to meet the specification for the race detracting from the overall authenticity of the aircraft .
15 A man had once weighed his daughter in the huge scales used in the port for the cargoes coming off the ships from the East , he had promised that the suitor his daughter chose would take her weight in gold for a dowry , she was so virtuous .
16 At the same time , there is no incentive to construct new dwellings for the sector owing to the existence of controlled rents , below the market rate .
17 It is a psychologically unrewarding task for the person soliciting over the telephone , and this is reflected in the vernacular term applied to the location from which such solicitation takes place — ‘ the boiler room ’ .
18 In support of these assertions he compares the situation ‘ in traditional industry ’ , where , for the worker arriving in the factory in the morning , ‘ his individual machine is a bit like his child .
19 I shall not forget how your husband helped a new and inexperienced Head to see what was wrong with the school 's Art Room , helped also in pressing in the right quarter , for its improvement — all of which resulted in a much-needed tonic for the Art teaching in the school .
20 However , the leading man by his astuteness in obtaining the most beneficial terms for the conditions applying to the pitch he was hoping to take , could realise a goodly income for himself and the others .
21 Specifications should be appropriate for the works resulting in the best value for money .
22 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) , which had repeatedly warned of the dangers of the situation ever since the pumping had been stopped , is to ask the government for emergency funds to run a treatment programme for the water remaining in the mine .
23 A further five surgeons were required to sear and embalm the cadaver ; they were paid a total of £7 8s. 4d. , with the bill for the spices and perfumes for the balm amounting to the then enormous sum of £9 .
24 It 's fame , at last , for the band waiting in the wings
25 Although retiring from office this year , warden Frank Wood will be carrying on responsibility for the general overseeing of the buildings and the Church Centre .
26 However , without for the moment looking at the two halves separately , I imagine everyone would be prepared to accept the proposition in theory .
27 And he who searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit , because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God .
28 And he that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god .
29 Our carpenter is aboard the Angelina , building a cradle for the bomb according to the specifications the Pentagon gave us .
30 Frequency equalisation compensates for the sound passing through the auditory canals .
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