Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [pron] [vb -s] it " in BNC.

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1 There 's clearly a problem , any ward councillor who brings out t that sort of thing which is non non-trivial to this council er for the reasons he has it seems to me deserves er to be supported unless there 's a very strong case against it and I do n't worth considering and that 's what I shall vote.worth co you do n't .
2 Actually , the use of this final pronominal element is quite transparently a way to regain attributive status for the adjective which precedes it , and its use with certain adjectives ( to be introduced below ) which do not genuinely occur in predicative position is thus much more significant than Bolinger allows for , showing that there are values attached to attributive status which are more important than mere position in the sentence relative to the verb , and that speakers will even seek to conform to these by devising an attributive construction which would otherwise not be called for .
3 ( Loss is serious if it is serious for the person who suffers it ) .
4 It may be one that is large and far-reaching or it may appear relatively small and trivial but … ( of ) special significance for the person who makes it is that his choice will help to determine the pattern of his unique development over time .
5 In the first case , either interpretation is fully acceptable — it can be either Farjeon or his style of undressing which has the quality of being clumsy ; and quite possibly the existence and use of such sentences provide the interpretative syntactic basis for the type which follows it , which therefore represents in a sense a second order of syntactic patterning .
6 They agree that theological discourse does not make sense in the terms of ordinary language , but whereas for one this effectively consigns theology to the dustbin , for the other it gives it the same sort of status as speaking in tongues .
7 The real basis of the Conservative government 's case then turns on the proposition that taxation is bad for the economy whoever levies it .
8 The prescription of an aid , however , is only the beginning of the potential improvement in learning for the pupil who uses it .
9 It is perhaps ironic that this tablet is one of the few on the market which can be interfaced with the Dragon computer as the company which makes it is the remnants of the firm which designed and built the Dragon .
10 Each letter is written in an onscreen box and a fraction of a second later , written the computer types it as the letter it believes it to be .
11 American herbs such as this one have a history associated with the original Indian inhabitants of the North American continent including Canada , and it was Oswego Indians in particular who used the leaves as the beverage which gives it one of its common names .
12 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
13 — the right to examine Government legislation and that he stop the appalling use of the guillotine which stifles it ?
14 A small arched pole is then threaded through a sleeve in the front of the flysheet which extends it into a good size porch .
15 Job fractionation is a way of reducing costs of carrying on the work by reducing the skill contribution of the individual who performs it .
16 Then , whilst resolutely throwing underconsumption out of the window he allows it to creep in through the back door again with his discursive discussion of the role of labour-power as a commodity and its place in the circulation process .
17 It seems a sensible conclusion that the strengths of this technique lie not in the method itself , but in the experience and skill of the person who employs it , and the extent to which these are known and respected by the beneficiaries of the study .
18 Behind this question seems to be the idea that to talk of the ‘ meaning ’ of a word is to talk of some thing — either some thing in the world , which the word stands for , or some thing in the mind of the person who utters the word and in the mind of the person who hears it .
19 Its aim is to do something in the life of the person who reads it , as well as to capture his aesthetic interest and supply him with historical and theological information .
20 The weakness hinges on the fact that the research is only as ‘ good ’ as the integrity and judgement of the person who carries it out .
21 The consent is a constitutive element both of the condition of the person who gives it and of the society resulting from it , which is good in itself .
22 To give this impression would ensure shipwreck on a reef which we shall in any case be lucky to avoid , the indifference of the reader who takes it for granted that we are trying to deduce imperatives from the facts of which one ought to be aware , and assumes in advance that there has to be a flaw somewhere , hardly worth the trouble of locating , as in a new proposal for a perpetual-motion machine .
23 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
24 And one of the ways he does it is through the World Pooh sticks championships he devised and now holds every year .
25 Some feel that it is the movement of the flute which fascinates it .
26 Does our scientist abandon Newton 's theory , together with the idea of the perturbing planet and the idea of the cloud which hides it ?
27 Inversion becomes a kind of transgressive mimesis : the subculture , even as it imitates , reproducing itself in terms of its exclusion , also demystifies , producing a knowledge of the dominant which excludes it , this being a knowledge which the dominant has to suppress in order to rule .
28 The bulb is placed in the narrow neck of the glass which keeps it dry .
29 It suggests too why the other of sexual fantasy may be stereotypical or two-dimensional in a way somehow at odds with the intensity and density of the desire which constructs it .
30 And in another sense what we do n't do often is to actually recognize the significance of the child 's question because of the language he puts it in .
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