Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] i [vb past] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I returned the book to the place on the shelf where I had found it and walked quietly out of the room .
2 I stood in the slanting sunlight , warm and yellow around me , the stench of burning flesh and grass on the wind , the smoke rising into the air from burrows and cadavers , grey and black , the sweet smell of leaking unburned petrol coming from the Flame-thrower where I 'd left it , and I breathed deeply .
3 My Exhilarator visor was still in the grass where I 'd left it and I sat down beside it to take stock of my stings , bruises and cuts .
4 I grabbed my leather jacket from the chair where it seemed to crawl to no matter where I 'd hung it earlier and found the keys to Armstrong in one pocket and a screwed-up five-pound note in the other .
5 I suppose that Kenneth Ingram , the editor , had not quite made up his mind about what I had written , which is the reason why I had forwarded it to Eliot .
6 On discovering the bottle on the mantel where I 'd left it , my mother became quite agitated .
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