Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] has [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet outside the computing industry who has ever heard of Intel ?
2 Now someone whose doctor is elderly could quite naturally refer to him or her using ( 45 ) where superscript 3 indicates rising tone while mid tone is indicated by the absence of a superscript numeral : ( 45 ) The following sentence : ( 46 ) is also perfectly acceptable , and might even be translated by the same words of English but it carries instead the meaning that the person concerned ( who might be twenty-six years old and a fairly fresh graduate from medical college ) has been established as one 's doctor for some time and is not , for example , another practitioner who has recently moved into the district .
3 Includes every cricketer who has ever played in a first class match in the British Isles .
4 And it does seem to me that erm the minute you suggest to a Parish Council who has already complained about illegal encampments on roadsides and laybys that there is a good site in their patch , there is an immediate reaction , and I am thoroughly convinced that this reaction is based on a fear that is actually based on ignorance , and that we have to remember that travellers of any description — and I do n't categorise them like Peter does — travellers of any description are human beings .
5 She began weeping , a helpless , fast , hiccuping weeping , like a child who has already wept for hours .
6 A child who has always looked after his own asthma is less likely to rebel later and discard inhalers or start smoking .
7 Either circumstance can have a lasting effect upon self-view and relationships , while the youngster who has not come through the " mourning " phase adequately may act in later life exactly as though a " new " parent were sought .
8 It is , for example , rare , though not unknown , to find the holder of an important kadilik who has not taught at the Sahn ; and it is likewise extremely unusual , though again not unheard of , to find a kazasker who has not held an important kadilik .
9 Eleanor Driscoll , a working-class housewife who has recently moved from a two-room slum into a local authority house , puts it like this :
10 In addition to what Nicholas er recounted about my brother , I believe that I am the only minister in the government , possibly the only member of parliament who has ever worked for the Save The Children Fund .
11 The terms and conditions also address such grey areas such as what happens if the buyer has possession of a work , but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen ( the liability is the buyer 's ) , and the duty of such a buyer who has partially paid for a work , to store the work separately from his own goods , not to export it , to retain the seller 's identifying marks , and to allow the seller or his agent access to the work .
12 This sort of plot is , in a way , the ultimate temptation to any writer who has ever toyed with producing detective fiction .
13 He wrote a short book entitled What Happened in Burma , described on the cover as ‘ the frank revelations of a young Burmese revolutionary leader who has recently escaped from Burma to India ’ .
14 ‘ How can we just throw in a lad who has not played for so long ?
15 Erm your worships as far as the personal circumstances are concerned she is fifty nine years old , she has n't worked for the last three years she 's in receipt of invalidity benefit similarly her husband who has n't worked for the last ten or eleven years er , is on invalidity benefit .
16 She is not smiling like a university lecturer who has just got off the train from Oxford , but like a peasant woman who has just arrived in a hard-class compartment from Saratov .
17 The story is recounted by the unnamed founder of the Mnemosyne Institute in Philadelphia , an elderly widower who has recently retired after making his millions as instructor to ‘ executives , politicians and members of the defense establishment ’ .
18 Also , a character who has successfully made at least one previous WP test here is allowed a +10 bonus for any subsequent test ( this is n't cumulative with further successes ) .
19 If the amendment is seconded by another person who has not spoken on the original motion , the Chairman must accept it as a new motion , subject to the provisos that the amendment is not a simple negative of the motion ; is relevant ; does not cover ground that has been dealt with under a previous amendment ; and is not frivolous nor illegal .
20 Would it be enough , for example , that a person published material to a handful of his neighbours urging them to make life difficult for a black person who has recently moved into the neighbourhood ?
21 She is not smiling like a university lecturer who has just got off the train from Oxford , but like a peasant woman who has just arrived in a hard-class compartment from Saratov .
22 I need to know where I can find a woman who has recently returned to her family after having run away with a man called Resenence Jeopardy . ’
23 As almost every woman who has ever complained about jokes against women has been told , ‘ Where 's your sense of humour ? ’
24 That I am jealous of every woman who has ever slept with him .
25 It was a stylistic departure for Chloe but not one at odds with the image of the house or , more importantly , its feminine , peach-packaged floral fragrance familiar to every woman who has ever passed through a department store perfumery .
26 As you know , I am a manager who has never shirked from putting a player 's welfare before football and , unlike many less tolerant managers , I was quite happy for Steve Gillery to hold his stag ‘ night ’ at 10 a.m. on the morning of the match , albeit a game crucial to our survival .
27 LEON RUSSELL ‘ Anything Can Happen ’ first album for ten years from the much-respected musician and songwriter who has previously worked with Phil Spector , Bob Dylan , George Harrison and the Rolling Stones
28 A MYSTERY man who has not spoken for almost a week broke his silence yesterday to Darlington police .
29 He looked like a man who has just stepped into an empty lift-shaft .
30 ‘ I could n't get to sleep , ’ said the man who has also served in Germany , Cyprus , the Falklands and Northern Ireland .
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