Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] have [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
2 The two subjects in the eight-month restriction study who had already limited themselves to 6 hours did not benefit from the regime , and reverted to their own established norms .
3 ‘ I do not presume to counsel my sovereign on the choice of her advisers , ’ he once grandly told a journalist who had rashly asked him how he was going to vote in a parliamentary election .
4 Every secretary whose word processor refuses to talk to its printer , every technologically-challenged hotel receptionist , every journalist who has ever seen his scoop disappear forever through the hole in the ozone layer can walk a little taller .
5 ‘ Madam , I confess myself deeply grieved that you should judge one an enemy who has ever served you and yours faithfully and to the utmost of his ability , ’ he said sorrowfully — and the prince , watching the scene with avid interest , expected to see tears well from his eyes .
6 It relates to the chef who has just left you .
7 The system ensures that those who might seem most deserving receive perhaps an Order of the British Empire ( OBE ) — or a British Empire Medal ( BEM ) for those ‘ who do not qualify by rank for the higher awards ’ — while a bureaucrat who has successfully worked his way to the top of the civil service without putting a foot wrong will get a knighthood in the Order of the Bath .
8 Lamont turned out to be an egotistical womaniser who had selfishly kept his marriage of twenty years intact ; Porter , a woman of integrity , now on her fourth marriage and deeply fond of both her disturbed children .
9 This particular lie is engineered to create the impression of a finely-honed athlete who has temporarily lost his edge , which is a little less than the complete truth .
10 I thought it only civil to break the ice with this boy of hitherto laggardly intelligence who had somehow scrambled his way to a temporary plateau of scholastic proximity .
11 Striding as quickly as he could whilst avoiding drawing attention to himself , Sergeant Bird covered the hundred and fifty yards that separated them , and stood close behind a sharp-featured elderly lady who had just placed her shopping bag on the pavement next to the telephone box in a proprietary way .
12 For example , a well-ordered lady who had always prepared her husband 's evening meal , was given the task of laying ( and relaying ) the tea tables to help with her restlessness at that time of day ( Marshall , 1988 ) .
13 He did n't know the correct etiquette for replying to a lady who 's just told you her recently-murdered husband was impotent .
14 ‘ What nonsense , Jane , rushing off to visit an old lady who has never loved you !
15 No dog , he noticed , but Cara 's son , the silent child who had always made him feel so ill at ease , still sitting by the hearth as if he had grown there from a morose three-year-old into a clean and tidy , almost dandified five .
16 It could be achievement of a young child who has just made something .
17 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
18 But she only saw the girl who had now returned her full attention to the case .
19 He knew , instantly ; his gaze went to the girl who had so intrigued him and he was only amazed he had not seen it right away .
20 In some cases , a Zuwayi who had unwittingly offended someone would constrain that person to forgive him by offering compensation and sacrificing animals to him .
21 To this end , an SPR may only be passed on 6 times and can not be passed to a user who has previously held it .
22 Kylie , by now Neighbours most popular character , teamed up with her younger sister who had now established herself as a star on a TV series Young Talent Time .
23 Oh who 's that geezer who 's just started who used to paint , can' think of the pop artist , Andy
24 When he raised his standard at Nottingham he was joined by a number of Members of Parliament who had previously criticised him but now felt that the Parliamentary cause was in the hands of extremists .
25 Inside , sits a diminutive man with a grey beard who has just celebrated his 90th birthday .
26 Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards .
27 ‘ But not to a midget who 's just eaten my lunch and whom I 've subsequently insulted , who then turns out to be one of the world 's top dress designers .
28 Hewlett , author of The Queen 's Quair , brings to mind another writer who had similarly concerned himself with Mary Queen of Scots ( ‘ La Stuarda ’ ) — that is to say , Swinburne in his Mary Stuart .
29 The other writer who has deeply interested me is Jan Struther , the Mrs Miniver of the Second World War .
30 It came as no surprise in 1990 when Charlie Nicholas 's name was once again associated with a Celtic team who had just experienced their worst season for years .
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