Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Applications for Associateship should be supported by two Fellows of the association who have knowledge of the candidate for at least two years immediately preceding the application .
2 Sixteen of these were from patients with sarcoidosis who underwent biopsy of the lung ( nine patients ) , lymph node ( six patients ) , or skin ( one patient ) .
3 For he was the Queen Mother 's steeplechaser who belly-flopped yards from the Grand National winning post , the horse who grabbed defeat from the very jaws of victory in such a way that even those with no interest whatsoever in the sport of racing still recall the sight of ‘ that horse who jumped the fence that was n't there ’ .
4 Of the 44 per cent of the electorate who took part in the poll , 73 per cent supported the plant .
5 A litigant who seeks redress for a public law wrong in a private action must establish , in order to have standing , that the public law wrong has invaded some legal right of his or hers , recognized in private law , or has caused him or her some special damage .
6 Imagine a mercantile agent who obtains possession of the goods ( perhaps by borrowing them from the owner ) and who shows them to X , an innocent prospective purchaser .
7 The bystander requirement in section 5 is not simply an objective hypothetical measure of the quality of the defendant 's conduct , as in the first three sections of the Act ; rather , the policeman or other witness who gives evidence of the defendant 's misconduct must satisfy the magistrates that there was a person present who was likely to be harassed , alarmed or distressed .
8 If the judgments in that case are looked at , it will be found that Willes J. said , in explaining the grounds of his judgment that under circumstances like those of the present case , the debt is gone , because it would be a fraud upon the stranger who pays part of a debt in discharge of the whole , that an action should be brought for the debt .
9 As a journalist who lives life in a wheelchair because of muscular dystrophy , he juggles the likes of Princess Margaret and George Melly on his guest list and emerges the eternal , acerbic optimist .
10 Many different varieties of apples emerged in the US and its apple industry was set in motion by Henderson Luelling — a fortune hunter who went west during the gold rush in a covered wagon full of soil and apple trees .
11 An actress who found fame in a commercial for Volkswagen cars has been banned from driving after being caught speeding twice in the space of thirteen minutes .
12 Although tests had not been completed it seemed probable that the infection was contracted during surgery and a junior member of the surgical team had been identified as a carrier who began work at the hospital in last May .
13 However , the civil servants at the Soviet Ministry , headed by the legendary figure who had charge of the entire country 's fine arts , the ‘ unsinkable ’ Genrikh Popov ( as the experts euphemistically dubbed him ) , along with the Director of the Tretyakov Gallery , Yuri Korolev , did everything they could to ensure that the project was never realized .
14 It put John Byrne 's goals in the national spotlight and Tony Norman 's conquering saves too , along with the fairytale story of Malcolm Crosby , the fan who became king for a day under Wembley 's Twin Towers .
15 Moreover , we believe that the knowledge worker in its broadest sense is any member of the labor force who adds value to a data or information product whether or not that added value is primarily in terms of packaging and delivering the message , or in terms of enhancing the meaning and usability of the message … .
16 First , the proportion of pessimists about the future is clearly and consistently lower than the proportion who perceived deterioration in the economy in the past ; there must be a significant number of people who think things got worse in the last twelve months , but who are perpetually hopeful that the rot has stopped .
17 This provided cover for a uniformed gunman who opened fire with a sub-machine gun , hitting Boudiaf in the back and the head .
18 Typically the term ‘ carer ’ is used to describe members of the informal sector who provide care for a dependent person in the community .
19 There were the usual quiet couples and at a discreet corner table , a rather superior single lady who kept nose in a library book and herself to herself .
20 SPRINGFIELDS catering supervisor Brenda Cowell is a lady who loves life in the fast lane .
21 Recently I met a speechreader who was struggling to understand a lady who spoke English with a French accent .
22 John Large , an engineering consultant who gave evidence for the local authorities consortium , compared the problem to dismantling a beehive at the end of the season .
23 A child who suffers abuse at the hand of a stranger can expect comfort and protection from his or her family ; incest victims often have no-one to whom to turn — those who should support have been the cause of suffering . ’
24 PROBABLY the most surprising name in the entire Birthday Honours List is an MBE for Harold Larwood , the bowler who took part in the controversial 1932–33 ‘ Bodyline ’ Ashes series against Australia .
25 A COURT of Appeal Judge who cheated death in an IRA bomb explosion six years ago is to retire this week .
26 Occasionally , he 'd bounce back on stage and do the whole thing with the strobe lights and everything which sent one poor little girl who had epilepsy into a fit .
27 Back at the Noones ' , I enjoyed a snack in the front room , in the company of the good-looking teenage Noones , curly-headed Martin ( or ‘ Murt ’ ) and his pink-cheeked sister , a wholesome girl who played guitar at the Folk Mass .
28 Amy Johnson was a Hull girl who found fame as a pilot in the early days of aviation .
29 In the case of divorced couples who have remarried the vote will go to both natural parents and the spouse of the natural parent who has custody of the child .
30 In a retrospective study of 110 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had surgical treatment we found recurrence of their cervical instability after a mean interval of nine years in 5.5% of patients with atlantoaxial subluxation who required only atlantoaxial fusion — but a 36% recurrence rate after a mean interval of 2.6 years in patients with atlantoaxial subluxation and atlantoaxial impaction who required fusion from the occiput to C3 .
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