Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Baron von Munchausen was an eighteenth-century Hanoverian soldier who greatly exaggerated his prowess in war — and his battle-scars .
2 ‘ It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery , ’ was the reaction from Patrick Hastings , a City employee who clearly has his mind on women .
4 Similarly another teacher felt that she should give firm scolding to an extremely active young boy who continually left his place during story time .
5 Putting aside his choice of partner , the lady who publicly declared her support for the barbaric practice of ‘ necklacing ’ those who step out of line , there is his friendship with Col Gaddafi , who is said to have paid the bill for the ANC leader 's recent tour of North Africa , as well as contributing $135,000 to Mrs Mandela 's defence .
6 Balbinder was 3 years old when I first started visiting the house , a very sociable child who eagerly awaited my arrival and the chance to play with the bag of toys I always brought with me .
7 The Supreme Court charged Cerda himself with ‘ lack of discipline ’ , suspended him on half pay for two months , and replaced him by another judge who dutifully closed his case .
8 Dawn was an attractive , lively girl who thoroughly enjoyed her work as a bank clerk , and whose social life centred on her favourite sports , hockey and tennis .
9 I return again to the point that I made originally — why is it that this vulnerable , waif-like , often frighteningly naive girl who always speaks her mind — but is after all only a pop singer — is taken seriously at all ?
10 No major incidents to report , except for a kamikaze lorry driver who almost bought our charity ride and our lives to a swift halt in Walsall .
11 That afternoon she sought out his housemaster , a fresh-faced biology PhD who habitually passed his free-time assembling , examining and cataloguing slides of plankton species from the Moray Firth .
12 ( The top prize in this group went to a writer who also started his career in these pages , Duncan Campbell , who now regales readers of another weekly with stories of government intrigue that clearly appeal to competition judges more than do articles on technology . )
13 It is no secret that Keynes was a highly intuitive thinker who often changed his mind : in 1930 he defended the gold standard , which he had previously attacked , and in 1931 he abandoned the principle of free trade , which he had previously upheld .
14 In connection with speaker 4 , it is interesting that those in the black group who correctly guessed his ethnicity did so with markedly less confidence than the average ( mean confidence 1.7 ) .
15 Linda Kitchen excelled as the housekeeper who fails to marry her master , Peter Savidge as the dogged servant of the heroine who finally gets his girl .
16 He is the person in direct contact with the real world of dirty rivers , the first stage decision-maker who normally controls his supervisor 's access to ‘ problems ’ and ‘ troublesome ’ incidents : ‘ If we do n't mention the fact to anyone higher-up , no-one ever knows .
17 Men confused by some of the changes in women 's own expectations of marriage have found it hard to adjust to a wife who now expects her husband to be a thoughtful and technically competent lover , a housefather and a co-counsellor .
18 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
19 I remember one dashing lecturer who regularly took his pick from each year 's fresher intake .
20 And one pub landlord who only had his pub refurbished six months ago , will now have to redecorate again .
21 ‘ That 's exactly the same as telling the wall it 's hurt the person who just banged his head on it .
22 The one person who always jogs my mind when reading MKM is Joan Lafferty .
23 ‘ Because we only have 5 to 6 full-time care assistants , I spend a lot of time in the first interview to make sure we get the sort of person who really understands our attitude , and what we expect of them .
24 Miss Jennifer Honey was a mild and quiet person who never raised her voice and was seldom seen to describe , but I shall make some attempt to do so a little later on .
25 ‘ I never took you for a person who constantly changes her mind , Fran . ’
26 He 's like a country gentleman who insultingly dissimulates his wealth beneath ragged pullovers and patched elbows , while the rest of us are struggling to conceal our penury beneath well-cut suits we ca n't afford .
27 referred to by Lavinia Spenlow as a girlhood suitor who never declared his love .
28 After the production 's two-week run in Coventry and a further week at the Oxford Playhouse , Frank Finlay — who played the father who ultimately realizes his failure — left the repertory company for America , where he appeared on Broadway in the short-lived John Osborne/Anthony Creighton play Epitaph for George Dillon .
29 We tend to think of cruelty as incorporating violence , but equally cruel is the father who constantly belittles his son or daughter in front of others .
30 She was determined to leave home ; Edward , according to one of Helen 's letters to Janet Aldis , ‘ haring ’ his father who still wished his son to enter the Civil Service in spite of the modest success of his articles and the prospect of a first book being published .
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