Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun pl] do [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although they perform these tasks , Pond 's moisturisers do n't feel greasy .
2 The most encouraging feature of the Election however , from Your Majesty 's point of view , is the strong impression that I have formed that Your Majesty 's subjects do not wish to allow themselves to be divided into warring classes or tribes filled with hereditary animosity against each other .
3 Care therefore needs to be taken to ensure that increases in value in management 's shares do not derive from a chargeable event as described above .
4 The Committee 's reports do not bind United Kingdom ministers .
5 He had meant to ask his research assistant to sketch something out for him on ‘ A Woman 's Place ’ or some such subject , but the silly girl 's talents did not encompass putting pen to paper .
6 The Archbishop 's investigators did not search for , or embrace , a fashionable solution .
7 However , this qualification of the floating charge holder 's rights does not constitute a serious erosion of the rights of the floating charge holder since he can block the making of an administration order by appointing an administrative receiver .
8 The addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean she is no longer a housewife .
9 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
10 Cash 's workers did not have to go out to the sound of the factory bell or whistle , but simply went upstairs from home to workshop , and thus kept a little of the independence they prized .
11 The mercenary leader 's eyes did not leave Ratagan 's .
12 Another apparent exception to the general rule that ignorance of the plaintiff 's rights does not excuse was recognised by the Privy Council in Maynegrain Pty .
13 In cases where the husband 's finances did not improve , there was little hope of maintenance anyway and wives and children were usually forced onto the Poor Law .
14 The right hon. Gentleman 's priorities do not add up and he knows it .
15 But the victories of the court 's opponents did not endure for long .
16 ‘ The King 's men do n't know where to go .
17 It started at 9am , before Judge Baron Parke , and the first day 's proceedings did not finish until 11pm .
18 The bond 's conditions did not allow for this , so even if bought and transferred at less than par between individuals , they had to be redeemed by the Club in full .
19 father replaced mother 's lost services by caring for the infant himself , the father 's services did not accrue as a result of the death .
20 The possibility that he had been killed for some reason connected with his father 's letters did not occur to Derek .
21 Merchant 's companies do not seem to distinguish between key result areas and critical success factors .
22 If six men were left , we could not take control of the ship ; and because only six were left , the captain 's men did not need my help .
23 The man 's eyes did not open , but Bodie leaned back and watched the activity of the fingers .
24 The man 's eyes did not blink .
25 The blind man 's eyes did not let you into his mind ; they were the eyes of a doll or a toy animal .
26 Man 's ideas do not chart a steady progression towards some ultimate philosophical or scientific truth .
27 The weakest form occurs when state officials act on their own preferences in situations where society 's preferences do not diverge from theirs .
28 ‘ I look rather different without my white coat ’ , she says , ‘ but unfortunately a dancer 's legs do n't last forever ’ .
29 But the bay 's defenders do n't want to wait until their estuary is a disaster before they act .
30 The friar 's threats did n't unnerve him .
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