Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun] [noun sg] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Another refinement and contrast between the council tax and Labour 's rates policy is the control , or lack of it , that Labour would exercise over excessive spending levels .
2 Among the several variables that may enter the bureaucrat 's utility function are the following : salary , perquisites of the office , public reputation , power , patronage , output of the bureau , ease of making changes , and ease of managing the bureau .
3 The town 's Capuchin friary was the first founded in Switzerland ( 1581 ) to strengthen the Counter Reformation movement which Uri strongly espoused ; the church was rebuilt after the great fire .
4 ‘ My father told me that a woman 's body odour was the sexiest smell in the world . ’
5 Meanwhile the last event in this season 's NIWBA programme is the final of the NIWBA Mary Moore trophy , sponsored by Parkgate Garages which will be played at Ward Park next Tuesday between Divis No1 and Donaghadee .
6 The wilderness retreat of Seven Spirit Bay on the Northern Territory 's Coburg Peninsula is the homeland for Australia 's Aborigines .
7 If you want to leave the pond more or less as it is , then a kid 's fishing net is the best way to remove the dead leaves without disturbing too much sediment .
8 Another centrepiece of the government 's emergency legislation is the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974 ( redrawn in 1976 and 1984 ) , passed in the wake of the Birmingham pub bombings of November 1974 , in which twenty-one people died as a result of two bomb blasts .
9 The government 's spending programme is the subject of vigorous debates .
10 In Great Britain the government 's control system is the prescription pricing regulation scheme , a voluntary agreement between the industry and the government that agrees profitability on NHS business .
11 The city 's Alexandra Theatre is the home of The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company .
12 Rather nearer to his employer 's family seat were the marshes of the Wealdmoors , just north of Telford and Wellington in Shropshire , which Loch set about draining with a will .
13 The seventh five-year plan just ended may have had its ups and downs , producing high growth in the first half of the plan 's period , followed by inflation and then austerity in the second half , but overall it was a success : the economy grew by 7.5% a year , incomes for city-dwellers almost doubled and last year 's grain harvest was the biggest ever .
14 THIS year 's Oscar race is the closest for years with few clear favourites in any category .
15 Often the only staff who live within the school 's catchment area are the caretaker and the ancillary workers .
16 The municipal police argued that the manufacturer 's expiry date was the true one , so the Jordanian asked Tripoli to intervene to tell the local police that they had no power to override the decision of a national committee .
17 Partner 's opening lead was the ace of spades , which won the trick , and partner then led a club , won in dummy .
18 On the second day of the Jockey Club 's OJOCs system , the Malton handler 's Swynford Flyer was the only horse to have been declared without a rider at any of today 's three meetings .
19 AMONG the four people Sir Gilbert Longden wrote ( March 29 ) should be ‘ unleashed ’ to improve the Conservative Party 's election campaign was the undefined ‘ Parkinson ’ .
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