Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun] [conj] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The principle laid down in the Convention is that jurisdiction is vested in the courts of the state of the defendant 's domicile and that the jurisdiction provided for in article 6(1) is an exception to that principle .
2 1.6 It is the Department 's policy that unless the member of staff and manager concerned make a case to the contrary , it will press for charges to be brought against an assailant while recognising that such a decision is wholly the province of the Procurator Fiscal following report by the police ( there being no scope for private criminal prosecution in Scotland ) .
3 Councillors and officials will demand that such ships should have a mandatory duty to contact the Orkney Harbour 's Department and that the Government should pay for a tug to escort them through the Pentland Firth .
4 Of course the pace of the game will be different , the level of skills much lower , but you can bet your granny 's pension that if the second team game need a thumping tackle to be made , then Peter Winterbottom would make it .
5 On demurrer it was held by the majority of the Court of Queen 's Bench that while the authorities had until then confined liability for enticement to the relation between master and servant ( which that between Lumley and Wagner clearly was not ) yet the plaintiff 's claim succeeded .
6 Not , for him , chance as the hero 's luck but as the effect of random events on the particular weakness or strength of an individual .
7 They checked at the girl 's school and whether the man was known to police .
8 Room rates are stored in the computer 's memory and when the cashier enters the room rate code and presses the room rate look-up key ; the terminal locates the rate in its memory , prints it on the folio and updates the totals .
9 These are sometimes suggested if a baby has an allergy to cow 's milk or if the parents are vegans , and is made from a soya bean protein ( an example is Wysoy ) .
10 ( a ) conducted in a lawful and orderly manner such that no nuisance or annoyance is caused to the University or others lawfully on the University 's premises and that the University 's name or standing is not brought into disrepute .
11 Use a long , thrusting snap punch to the opponent 's face and if the chance presents itself , follow up quickly with a reverse punch .
12 We feel that it is much better to recognize clearly that some roles should be the teacher 's province and that the program designer should not try to employ the program in such roles .
13 They were aware of the plaintiff 's difficulties and that the price was too low .
14 The court had to decide whether the damage was solely as a result of the negligence of the plaintiff 's husband or whether the negligence of his workmate was also a factor .
15 It was conceded by pursuer 's counsel that if the first two propositions were correct , then the third would necessarily follow .
16 The Court of Appeal held that the stevedore 's employers were vicariously liable for the stevedore 's negligence and that the damage was not too remote .
17 In In re Midland Railway Co. 's Agreement [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 there was no ‘ clearly expressed bargain ’ that the term should continue until the crack of doom if the demised land was not required for the landlord 's undertaking or if the undertaking ceased to exist .
18 Sir Thomas Gray of Heton said that the peace was not in accordance with the king 's will and that the queen and Mortimer had used the opportunity of the king 's minority to arrange the whole thing .
19 One of the changes she made was to include a check in the action , abandoning what had become a ‘ bouncing ’ action , not through any fault in her father 's design but because the technique of those whose ‘ strength ’ knew ‘ no moderation ’ had superseded those whose playing was ‘ soft and melting ’ Between 1796 , when von Schönfeld used those words , and 1809 when Reichardt wrote his letter , the potential of the new instrument became generally accepted in Vienna .
20 The fact remains that he was murdered on the night after his father 's funeral and if the two are unconnected we are back in the funny coincidences department .
21 The discussion should then focus around the inclusion of the foreman 's wages and whether the director 's salary should be included and whether the answer to the latter will be affected by the job description .
22 This is particularly so where it is felt that the consideration did not have a causative effect upon the authority 's determination and where the decision being impugned is not determinative of rights , such as a decision by a local authority to refer a landlord to a rent tribunal .
23 If the debtor is away , inquiry should also be made whether or not letters are being forwarded to an address within the jurisdiction ( England and Wales ) or elsewhere ; ( d ) if the debtor is represented by a solicitor , an attempt should be made to arrange an appointment for personal service through such solicitor … the rules provide for a solicitor accepting service of a statutory demand on behalf of his client but there is no similar provision in respect of service of a bankruptcy petition ; ( e ) the supporting affidavit should deal with all the above matters including all relevant facts as to the debtor 's whereabouts and whether the appointment letter(s) has/have been returned .
24 Butler postponed publication of the White Paper 's proposals until after the Conservative Party Conference had met at Blackpool in the Autumn of 1958 .
25 It is reasonable to accept the view that there is a limit to a supervisor 's capabilities and that the span of control should therefore be limited .
26 The Divisional Court held that it had jurisdiction to review the visitor 's decision and that the visitor 's decision was wrong in law .
27 If the Scoutmaster says a novelty plastic umbrella stand is pure elephant 's foot or if the vicar 's wife passes off a gold-plated tie-pin as the real thing , they can be held to account under law .
28 9.13 Tenant 's property If after the Tenant has vacated the Premises on the expiry of the Term any property of the Tenant remains in or on the Premises and the Tenant fails to remove it within [ 7 ] days after being requested in writing by the Landlord to do so or if after using [ its ] best endeavours the Landlord is unable to make such a request to the Tenant within [ 14 ] days from the first attempt so made by the Landlord :
29 I am pleased to be able to tell you that I have now received your referee 's comments and that the result of your medical assessment was satisfactory .
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