Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb mod] make [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 6 Continue to monitor vital signs to detect changes in patient 's condition which would make surgery inadvisable .
2 THE BMC , which at present enjoys the vague legal status of an unincorporated association , is proposing to become a limited company — a move which will make things easier for legal purposes in a number of ways .
3 At the current exchange rate , that is barely $1 — a price which should make Russia competitive with producers like Indonesia .
4 While there 's no one vitamin or mineral which will make hair stronger , a balanced diet containing protein , calcium , zinc , iron , folic acid and the B vitamins is important for hair growth .
5 Self and Ernest Long , the secretary , devoted a good deal of thought to methods of budgetary control which would make decentralisation possible , but the headquarters engineers , still deeply distrustful of anything from Self , had little conception of the financial and management principles of decentralisation .
6 Do not take a large supper which may make sleep difficult immediately afterwards .
7 He also held , dubiously , that were it not for the corruptions imposed by state and law , men would develop bonds of instinctive solidarity which would make government unnecessary .
8 THE Government has to reform the ‘ draconian ’ legislation which can make newsagents innocent victims of the law which bans the sale of tobacco to children under 16 .
9 But they are clearly intended to form , in combination with formula funding under LMS , a system which will make schools subject to market forces in a direct and dramatic fashion .
10 She seems to me terribly unhappy in a way which can make people desperate , spiteful , even wicked . ’
11 The attempt by the power behind his throne , Warwick — now duke of Northumberland — to secure the succession for his strongly Protestant daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey was a dismal failure ; and England was now ruled by the Catholic Mary Tudor , then in her late thirties , married to Philip of Spain , and therefore potentially capable of establishing a Catholic dynasty which would make Henry VIII , Somerset and Northumberland look like a temporary aberration .
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