Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [modal v] [vb infin] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was in favour of a world religion — an all-enfolding religion rejecting no one , but I did not then know of a church or religion which would include all men .
2 In many cases they are actually simpler since a complete instruction is executed in a single machine cycle unlike a microprocessor which may make several memory access when executing a single instruction .
3 What it did prove , emphatically , is that you can buy a car which will out-handle any Ferrari , out-accelerate the most powerful Porsche to way past licence-losing speed and provide more safe fun than anyone who has n't driven one could possibly imagine .
4 One of the most important tasks for WACC 's Central Committee this year is to authorise proposals for a new study and action programme which would guide all WACC 's activities over the next four years and prepare the organisation for its second world congress in 1995 .
5 But you can see if this lot gets converted to carbonate and then that water then gets mixed down to the deep water , it will be replaced at the surface with water which has a low carbonate concentration which will suck more C O two out of the atmosphere .
6 There is no white balance setting which will resolve this colour conflict , and an alternative lighting solution has to be found to give the colours their proper values .
7 A government would provide the roof which would bring these walls together .
8 To correct imbalances arising internally within the organism requires the use of a therapy which can counteract such imbalances .
9 Interleukin-2 is a new treatment therapy which can offer many people suffering from solid tumours their main hope of improved health or a longer life .
10 It is hoped that this will be the sort of figure which will deter those exhibition event organisers , who in the past have been more than content to pay top players such as Seles a six figure appearance fee and cover any fine which they may have incurred .
11 ( 7 ) Once a bona fide offer has been made or is believed to be imminent , the board of the target company must not take any action which would frustrate that offer or deny shareholders an opportunity to decide on its merits , unless the action is approved by the shareholders in general meeting .
12 Lycomings offer the choice of two : ‘ max power ’ , defined as the ‘ leanest mixture which produces highest IAS from a given rpm and manifold pressure ’ , and ‘ best economy ’ m which defines itself , i.e. the cruise technique which will require less fuel for a given distance but will take more time .
13 This this could take you into the Leeds district as being a suitable location for a settlement which would meet this criterion .
14 Stretching our imaginations , we can surely create a story which might contain this sequence , just as we could , in fact , create fanciful circumstances in which knights kill teaspoons , and girls ride houses .
15 It 's a story which should inspire all Merseyside 's Labour supporters and ensure the Tories do not become complacent .
16 It called on ministers to set up a firearms control board which would vet all applicants before issuing a guns licence .
17 We mean to work out ways of using new course structures , perhaps with part-time study , new ways of teaching and an innovative approach to university admission which could enable more people from Birmingham and the West Midlands to benefit from their local university .
18 This optimum is not 100 per cent debt financing as equity is regarded as a safety cushion which will absorb any losses which might be incurred during the ordinary course of trading and/or liquidation .
19 I do not know of any study of this change which can answer that question in anything like a precise and well-documented fashion .
20 The next hurdle for Petrochemicals will be to go for the highest level Q1 Gold award which will involve another step up in performance .
21 There is , however , a bill currently going through Parliament which will change that situation .
22 Another verb which can take both infinitives is know .
23 It is possible that in the course of time scientific advance will be able to offer at least an hypothesis which will throw some light on the mystery of the origin of the universe and give substance to the belief that life , in some form or other , does have an ineradicable and eternal place in the universe .
24 The clippings are being hailed as the unlikely source for a new drug which could save many women 's lives .
25 Third , there will be a single unified social care budget which will cover all forms of care , either residential or domiciliary , purchased by local authorities .
26 Findings will be presented to an EC management committee which will produce any recommendations for action throughout the Community .
27 ‘ Despite the variation in language of the various judges , the principle of Donoghue v. Stevenson [ [ 1932 ] A.C. 562 ] as appears from the examination of these authorities imposes tortious liability on a person who performs some careless act which may injure any person whom he should reasonably have had in contemplation as being likely to be injured in consequence of his carelessness and who in fact is injured by his careless act .
28 Councillors are hoping for a settlement without the need for court action but are prepared for a legal battle which could take several years during which time both sides could run up massive costs running into many tens of thousands .
29 This fact has the potential to generate two further kinds of exercise which will develop this aspect of coherence : the conversion of
30 You may also need a cross-head screwdriver for some fittings : choose a Phillips type which will fit all crosshead screws .
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