Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , we are unhappy about the weak advice on enforcement action which places undue emphasis on negotiation rather than serious punitive action which can actually create conditions in which effective negotiations can take place .
2 Hegel also saw the state as the sphere of reason , a complex differentiated unity which can dialectically overcome contradictions and conflicts in society .
3 Midwinter and Monaghan warn that the Conservative centralising trend could be emulated in the proposals from the opposition parties for a Scottish parliament which might also take powers from local government .
4 The allocation of labour to activities can be plotted as a histogram which will invariably show peaks and troughs .
5 Owners have to deliver the deceased to the cemetery which will also supply plaques or granite memorial stones costing from £40 to over £100 .
6 Which means that the computer is being used , as it should be , as a user management tool which can vastly improve personnel management effectiveness .
7 Joyce Allan and Fred Penfold will also take part in this meeting which will hopefully produce recommendations for our next Directorate meeting .
8 In this context job-related selection tests which have been properly validated can help obtain information from candidates and improve the objectivity of the recruitment process which will undoubtedly include interviews .
9 The Video Recordings Act gives the BBFC statutory recognition as the body charged with licensing films for sale or rent on video cassettes — a development which may legally oblige distributors to censor cinema films before transferring them to cassettes for home viewing .
10 Indeed , it 's a tough game which will certainly educate kids ( ’ Daaad !
11 Some of the burdens identified recently by business which worry it most are proposals such as the minimum wage and some elements of the social charter which would greatly increase costs and could resurrect union militancy after our years of recent success in which we have created far more harmony and success .
12 So two questions need to be resolved on my analysis : first , is prevention ordinary treatment ? and , second , if preventive care depends on data drawn from special treatment , does this mean that special care may be undertaken only under conditions of limited , controlled research , which is what I suspect is what care of the VLBW baby really is , rather than by adopting the current haphazard approach which may wrongly dissipate resources ?
13 This is like the puzzle which can quite infuriate children as well as adults : one side of the paper has written on it : " The sentence on the other side of this piece of paper is not correct " , and the other side has this sentence , " The sentence on the other side is correct " .
14 The intense involvement which can soon develop makes programming one of those rather rare activities in which time can cease to exist and the passage of hours goes by unnoticed .
15 ‘ As a starting point we would like to see some sort of voluntary test similar to the German system which would then give anglers a discount on the cost of a licence if they passed , ’ added Robin .
16 The junction at Newton is to revert to double track , airline style black boxes are being installed in trains to pinpoint the cause of accidents , and a new electronic safeguard system which will literally stop trains in their tracks if a driver makes a mistake is being tested .
17 The junction at Newton is to revert to double track , airline style black boxes are being installed in trains to pinpoint the cause of accidents , and a new electronic safeguard system which will literally stop trains in their tracks if a driver makes a mistake is being tested .
18 Suppliers are asked to outline a future system which can potentially provide facilities for Step 2 , the manipulation of the machine readable text .
19 Mathematics textbooks present the notion of profit in a way which can only confuse students in their quest for an understanding of the term .
20 It marks the opening of the company 's £190 million engine factory which will both secure jobs and create new ones .
21 Classifying software according to whether it is machine or user orientated , it is possible to identify those types of software which will best suit personnel systems .
22 Overseas , Wimpey Construction Management is carrying out fee-based technical and management services for the £200 million Colombo Centre project for Sonae Group in Lisbon , Portugal and will vigorously attempt to develop further this market in 1993 , a market which will also provide opportunities for the consultancy arm of GROVE PROJECTS .
23 Finally , the Dutch scientists are providing a short-wavelength device ( 5 micrometres ) with a small field of view which will essentially count stars .
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