Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] she have [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She told the National Enquirer that she had met the prince just months before the Duchess of York was snapped in intimate poses in the South of France with American financial adviser John Bryan , 37 .
2 There was no doubt in her mind that she had met a truly extraordinary mathematical brain , and words like child-genius and prodigy went flitting through her head .
3 But her own internal stresses — her anxiety over Between the Acts which she had just finished , and the fear that she had lost the power to write — closed in on her as that unmitigable depression , her companion of old , took final hold .
4 I I saw Mrs granddad that she 's got a new bike and I said I wish I could go that .
5 Because when Wendy and Laura had returned they 'd brought a verbal message from Suzie to the effect that she 'd met a Danish boy and had no intention of returning to England to complete her studies .
6 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
7 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
8 Some of this paternal anger is also rooted in the loss or " violation " of father 's " little girl " , and the recognition that she has become a sexually active person with a man of her own .
9 When she had graduated from the School of Fashion she had sold her entire degree collection to Lady Jane , a small but exclusive West End boutique , who had greeted her designs with such enthusiasm that she had believed the world was her oyster and everything was about to happen for her .
10 Private Eye is appealing against the record £600,000 damages paid to Mrs Sutcliffe after a seven-day trial last May , in which she alleged the magazine had libelled her by claiming in its ‘ Street of Shame ’ column that she had made a £250,000 deal with the Daily Mail for her story after a night of ‘ carousing ’ with the paper 's journalists in a hotel .
11 She realised in a panic that she had forgotten the number .
12 She stood fuming in the check-out queue in a cloud of righteous indignation , fuelled by the discovery that she had forgotten the washing-up liquid .
13 But never imagine for a moment that she has abandoned a lifetime of hard-won apostasy and now rejoices in the mating rituals of her long-lost tribe .
14 And , although she was rapidly coming to the conclusion that she had made a fool of herself all down the line , she still did n't quite know how .
15 Fei Yen had looked up briefly , only to avert her eyes again , but it was clear from her smile that she had heard the story often and was not displeased by it .
16 And was it for this awfulness that she had taken the great jump that would divide her from the rest of her life , that she could never go back to , for this she had put herself beyond the pale and ruined her life ?
17 Well , to hell with you , sweetheart , she railed , and , her pride once more up in arms , a certainty in her head that she had seen the last of Ven for that night , she rocketed from her bed , took a shower , and got dressed .
18 He now faces the agony of receiving a letter she told him on the phone that she 'd written the day before she died .
19 She had already been removed to the Intensive Care Unit at the JR2 , but in the bedroom there seemed quite sufficient evidence that she had planned a deliberate departure .
20 He 'd been so gentle that morning when he must have seen he had hurt her feelings , and she felt good inside that she had seen the more gentle , considerate side of him .
21 The 18-year-old from Dinas Powys , currently Britain 's best young player , learned this week that she has won a place at St Hilda 's College for September 1991 to study physiology and psychology .
22 The nursing staff told her father that she had had no rest during the night and was in considerable pain .
23 Despite her defiant words , though , she had the feeling that she had made a bad mistake during these last few minutes .
24 Oh , lord , she inwardly groaned ; if this was Vendelin Gajdusek , then she had a rather unhappy feeling that she had made a terrible start !
25 Then , for the second time in the short span that she had known the man , her mouth fell open .
26 She prickled at the implication that she had led a soft and protected life .
27 He smiled with relief that she had changed the subject away from Richard Sharpe .
28 He cut into her thoughts with a question about the ball and she repeated her earlier assurance that she 'd had a successful evening , adding that in all conscience she ought to have been driving back to London to work on some of the stories .
29 ‘ Picnic ’ : a word that she had had no occasion to use from that day to this .
30 Kit hugged herself with pleasure at the thought that she had raised a son who would be an engineer .
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