Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] he is [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He will reveal in tonight 's BBC1 Panorama programme that he is worried about facilities at the Berkshire plant run by private contractors since April which date back to the early days of the nuclear age .
2 But when a horse crashes into a fence in an attempt to escape a hump-backed monster ( in reality , his owner carrying a sack of oats ) , small wonder that he is liable to be thought stupid .
3 I 'm also looking forward to seeing a copy of the election manifesto on which he fights those elections and er er how it will be possible for the Conservative party to er put forward a manifesto that he is comfortable with and also a manifest that the honourable member for say Old Bexley and Sidcup is similarly comfortable with but er no doubt that 's a matter for the Conservative party .
4 He might be able to make a decent cup of coffee but I hope for her sake that he is good at washing up afterwards too .
5 The new chief executive of the Munich conglomerate , Heinrich von Pierer , told the Wall Street Journal that he is interested in one or more ‘ strategic partners ’ for Siemens Nixdorf , saying that what he is looking for is joint development and possibly manufacturing of a broad range of hardware with one or more competitors .
6 Another Tory MP , Henry Bellingham , Norfolk North West , has told Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern that he is concerned at the severity of the punishment .
7 Despite creating a theory with a series of levels of semiosis it fails to support the substantive analyses in Mythologies where Barthes 's examples show that it is not merely the formal structure of signification that he is interested in .
8 The Spirit of God breathes his life into man ; he revives the dry bones ; he infuses vitality into inert matter , but the evidence that he is involved in the work of creating the world is very slim indeed in the Old Testament and non-existent in the New .
9 MARCO VAN BASTEN gave further evidence that he is one of football 's most lethal strikers with a devastating performance for AC Milan .
10 NIGEL MANSELL confirmed last night that he is aware of moves to buy him out of his Indy Car racing contract and sensationally persuade him to stay in Formula One next year .
11 THE most powerful man in world cricket admitted for the first time last night that he is frightened of being sued over the Lambgate Scandal .
12 A poor conference speaker will give the Profitboss a giant ego-boost , maintaining lit belief that he is equal to , if not better than , most of the top professionals in his area .
13 a defendant should take no action to induce a plaintiff to incur costs in the reasonable belief that he is willing for the case to proceed to trial .
14 A few of our players have an awful lot to prove both to themselves and to the fans i.e. Deane ( to score more than once in a game ) , Newsome ( to defend well against good opposition ) , Fairclough ( to prove to the manager that he is one of the best man to man markers in the game ) .
15 To Fido , this is a signal that he is subordinate to the rest of the family or pack .
16 It is as a consumer that he is aware of the slowly widening gap between his own standard of living and that of other workers .
17 ‘ In all honesty , though I should be loth to say of any man that he is capable of killing , I dare not say of any man that he is wholly incapable of it .
18 But as many as are thus sottish , let them enjoy their own wildness and ignorance , it is sufficient for a good man that he is conscious unto himself that he is more nobly descended , better bred and born , and more skilfully taught by the purged faculties of his own mind.2
19 The position of the stick in steady flight is a very clear indication of the angle of attack , and having the stick back near the rearmost stop should warn the pilot that he is close to the stalling angle for the wing .
20 Det Insp Wayne Williams , of Wrexham CID , said yesterday they had now had confirmation by fax that he is ready for collection .
21 It can be extremely helpful if the therapist tells the patient that he is concerned about him , although caution must be exercised not to step outside a professional relationship nor to encourage over-dependency .
22 She is obsessed with her brother in much the same autocratic and selfish way that he is obsessed with Pamela .
23 Though not all his points are equally well taken , there can be no doubt that he is right in his basic assertion that the Kanunname is shot through with anachronisms suggesting sixteenth-century alterations and additions and that any provision of it must be treated with reserve and checked against other sources before being accepted as being genuinely of the time of Mehmed II .
24 So intervention can not be justified when another more appropriate person is available and willing to act ; nor can it be justified when it is contrary to the known wishes of the assisted person , to the extent that he is capable of rationally forming such a wish .
25 The fact that he is capable of making discs of superlative quality is also in no doubt , as this stunning new Stravinsky disc strikingly bears out .
26 Are you really oblivious to the fact that he is one of the most overrated twats of this century ? …
27 From his fastness at the DTI in London 's Victoria Street , industry minister Tim Sainsbury gives the impression that he is satisfied with himself and the world .
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