Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] he [be] [not/n't] going " in BNC.

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1 She hoped with all her heart that he was not going the same way as his stepfather ; and yet , the signs were already there .
2 Last week the Director of Public Prosecutions formally told the men 's second appeal court that he was not going to rely on the scientific evidence .
3 She thought for a minute that he was n't going to obey .
4 The knowledge that he was not going to be charged with Angy 's murder had aroused profound relief but not elation ; his invitation for this evening had brought pleasure but no excitement .
5 Then she had the dreadful feeling that he was not going to answer her anyway , for he said nothing .
6 She had the feeling that he was n't going to take it at all well and , like the Taurean bull that he was , he was highly dangerous when aroused .
7 But she was n't feeling easy with him now , and as he pushed an easy-chair closer to her couch , and sat down opposite her , she had the uncanniest feeling that he was n't going to let her out of the room until she had told him every last bit of what there was to tell .
8 ( Charles also got the message that he was n't going to get the quick slurp of wine at the end of the evening that he had been promising himself . )
9 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
10 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
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