Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] it should be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When a sentence is uttered , it is rarely the utterer 's intention that it should be interpreted in two ( or more ) different ways simultaneously .
2 He argued that it could be implied that it had been given with the intention that it should be used to promote the policy and objects of the enabling act .
3 Did he also receive representations about 15 Parachute regiment to the effect that it should be allowed to continue at its five locations in Scotland ?
4 Manchester Polytechnic 's part-time BEd , for example , was turned down by the Committee in January 1973 with a recommendation that it should be resubmitted .
5 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
6 He was removed from that medrese and then became muderris there a second time " with the condition that it should be included among the and that his should become in his [ proper ] time in accordance with the custom in similar medreses ' .
7 The matter had been taken up with the Bank of Ireland and he would be recommending to the incoming Executive Committee that it should be referred to the Labour Court , on the basis that it is gross discrimination .
8 The most successful writer who had lived in an English colony was Aphra Behn , who was brought up in Surinam before it was transferred to the Dutch in 1668 , and her most important novel of American life , Oronooko , was so completely sympathetic to the Indian hero that it should be considered as an early contribution to the cult of the noble savage rather than a book which could help its English readers understand the wider world .
9 However , the links are there so it was only right that it should be included in this feature .
10 The Faulks Committee failed to consider this unfair burden on the media , or to recommend the obvious reform that it should be borne by the plaintiff 's estate .
11 Indicative of the degenerate state into which the practice of investing had fallen is the fact that it is considered a reform that it should be inquired of the intending how old he is , under whom he has studied , and what he has studied .
12 In a review which is intended to operate at an institutional level , it is of considerable importance that it should be seen that way by those taking part .
13 I am of the opinion that it should be stressed that these are the intentions of the organisers who are in the hands of the operators of Network SouthEast .
14 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone lest they should fall on this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight , keep the rod and staff of Socialism firmly in your hands lest it be upon my back that it should be broken .
15 If a cohort of patients with diabetes shows poor control this study has found little evidence that it should be attributed to factors specific to non-diabetic patients .
16 Incidentally , Dutoit dampens the tam-tam at the end ( he 's not the only one ! ) , despite Rachmaninov 's clear instruction that whilst the rest of the orchestra play a quaver , the tam-tam should go to the end of the bar ( notated dotted crotchet ) with the implication that it should be allowed to carry on beyond .
17 According to the Observer on 6 February 1966 , it was revealed at a meeting of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee that a ‘ private and anonymous circular ’ had been distributed with the warning that it should be destroyed immediately after reading .
18 A typical entry would be for , say , E233 , a preservative , chemical name thiabendazole , a man-made material , with a note of caution attached warning that it should be avoided during pregnancy because it can damage the unborn child .
19 If the upkeep of a garden is getting too much for an elderly person , and finance and willing helpers can be found , a suggestion that it should be paved , with a few easily managed tubs of flowers and shrubs at a convenient height , is often an acceptable idea .
20 ‘ Did you get my telephone tapped or did you simply pass on the suggestion that it should be done ? ’
21 Though no document had been so thoroughly prepared , there was a last-minute suggestion that it should be dropped , for it was clear that , if this schema was presented , the Council would not be able to finish with the third session .
22 I wish to say further that it is important when considering applications under the Convention that it should be borne in mind that these are matters which affect the comity of nations .
23 The Law Society published guidelines in question and answer form as to accounting for commission received on 23 October 1991 in 88 L S Gazette 33. ( b ) Professional undertakings An undertaking given by a solicitor in the course of his practice or by his employee on his behalf or by a solicitor qua solicitor ( whether or not in the course of his practice ) and made with the intent that it should be relied upon is binding in law upon that solicitor personally .
24 According to Lush J. , ‘ it is the very essence of a threat that it should be made for the purpose of intimidating or overcoming the will of the person to whom it is addressed . ’
25 As restated by Lord Oliver in Caparo v Dickman ( cited at 14.11.1 ) at 383H — 384B , the duty is as follows : ( 1 ) the advice must be required for a purpose , whether particularly specified or generally described , which is made known , either actually or inferentially , to the adviser when the advice is given ; ( 2 ) the adviser knows , either actually or inferentially , that the advice will be communicated to the " advisee " , either specifically or as a member of an ascertainable class , in order that it should be used by the advisee for that purpose ; ( 3 ) it is known , either actually or inferentially , that the advice so communicated is likely to be acted upon by the advisee for that purpose without further inquiry ; and ( 4 ) it is so acted upon by the advisee to his detriment .
26 er is this fair ? , was it Mr idea that it should be incorporated into the brochure or somebody elses ?
27 this threshold for worldwide turnover is to be reviewed by the Council before 21 December 1993 and the Commission has stated its view that it should be reduced to 2,000 million ecu ( roughly £1400 million ) .
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