Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] she [vb past] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 South-West Durham Coroner Colin Penna recorded a verdict that she took her own life .
2 ‘ Most people are wrong most of the time , ’ he said , with such firmness that she slid him another look , surprised ; he was strong behind his gentleness and hesitancy , she thought — strong in a way that was n't common .
3 She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray 's companion .
4 Gay had begun , characteristically , by wishing Susan and Breeze luck in their new home , and it was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own affairs .
5 He was absently scrutinising her set face , projecting an air of such unshakeable self-confidence that she mourned her own reserves of self-esteem .
6 And the fact that she wanted nothing more than to entrust herself to fitzAlan 's protection made her nervousness all the more acute .
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