Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] i [modal v] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 I took that as an indication that I could play him every match .
2 I had wagered a purse that I would beat him at bowls and Drake never could resist gold .
3 That was not unusual on the Monday after a tournament , so I decided to drive to his house in Clapham in the hope that I might intercept him either on the way in from a long lunch or on the way out for a pre-prandial drink .
4 ‘ Silas is still longing to go to bed with me , so you can wish me luck that I 'll get him there eventually — but in the right circumstances , of course . ’
5 As a means of persuading her , the prince suggested to my chagrin that I should accompany him .
6 We were very close in the sense that I could ask him anything at any time , and we took great pleasure in each other 's company . ’
7 Grandad , who had been reading his paper , said , ‘ Eh , I 'd like to help with the cleaning but you see I promised Angus up at the farm that I 'd help him with the lambs today . ’
8 The masked figure stepped ponderously off the dais , sat down at the baize-covered table and indicated with a gloved hand that I should join him .
9 After a day under the fog , there is no way that I can feed him without serving him .
10 I became aware that the celebrity was looking at me fixedly ( either trying to remember who I was , in expectation of acknowledgement , or in surprise that I should cut him dead in such a manner ) .
11 It was then getting near the time that I could turn him out , again I put it off , frightened of what he might do .
12 It brought me up against the fact that I 'd like him to be better off so I could have more options .
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