Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] the [adj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is only when the friends of the deaf demand a better deal that the deaf will get it .
2 I further agree with my noble and learned friend that there can be inferred no implied agreement between Woolwich and the revenue that the latter would repay the sum of £57m. in the event of the former succeeding in their challenge to the Regulations .
3 This is perhaps not so surprising when one bears in mind that the same can happen even with domestic legislation , which is infinitely simpler to enact .
4 It seems that problems of proof loom large here : there is a fear that the unscrupulous would manipulate any law permitting ‘ mercy killings ’ , and the argument is presumably that this would put at risk more unwilling parties than a law allowing euthanasia would benefit willing parties .
5 And , as we have seen , on the face of it things have moved on a little in the direction that the British would wish .
6 The Poles had nurtured the hope that the French would restore the old Polish state with Danzig attached as before , but Napoleon had other ideas .
7 In such conditions , concentrated fire from the archers on the wings wrought such havoc that the French could provide but little resistance to those English who set upon them .
8 If there was another thought about Barnes it was that he needed a strong-willed centre at his shoulder to offer the occasional reminder that the three-quarters could use some more work .
9 Success in any great enterprise brought with it the danger of complacency , the danger that the French would surrender to their demons of fragmentation and mediocrity .
10 While discussing the Chinese search for the elixir of life , for example , we are taken in detail through the notion that the Chinese may have obtained the ideas from the Vedic culture .
11 The British pointedly refused to endorse the two major conditions that de Gaulle placed on an armistice with the local authorities : an opportunity for Free France to administer the mandated territories and recruit soldiers and civilians from them ; and a guarantee that the British would respect all of France 's rights in the region .
12 In the event , this was an underestimate , and it has totally falsified the belief that the disabled would become the victims of the manufacturers ' rapacity .
13 Those who were not Christians were even more exposed to the belief that the dead might continue to harbour feelings , including , perhaps , feelings of resentment for injuries suffered in life .
14 The Prince , momentarily forgetting his orders for Sharpe to change into Dutch uniform , dominated the luncheon conversation as he eagerly expressed his wish that the French would attack before the Duke returned from his meeting with the Prussians , for then the Prince could defeat the enemy with only the help of his faithful Dutch troops .
15 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
16 Rather , a patent is an agreement between an inventor and a government that the former shall enjoy the exclusive right of exploitation of an invention for a prescribed period while the community at large shall have access to its benefits .
17 The editor of Nature among others has expressed concern that the young will equate some of the farce of test-tube fusion as typical of science and be discouraged from pursuing this career .
18 The court said obiter that the accused would have been guilty even if the police had shot dead an innocent bystander , though the actual victim was innocent too .
19 She is appalled by the suggestion that the unemployed should work for their dole money .
20 Oxfam has launched its new autumn collection of clothes with the boast that the fashion-conscious can dress themselves for just twenty five pounds !
21 On balance Voltaire 's maxim that the poor could have no patrie probably still held sound for the vast majority of Belorussian peasants in early NEP .
22 The same is true of one who delivers articles to another in order that the latter may bestow his labour upon them .
23 Never mind the exploitation and atrocities wreaked on whole countries in order that the British could plunder and fill their coffers from our raw materials and the sweat of our cheap labour .
24 Its conclusion is that we can only hope to show that we understand propositions about the mental states of others if we take there to be a non-contingent relation between mental states and behaviour , and thus remove the possibility that the two should come apart .
25 The paper also considers the possibility that the self-employed should prepare tax accounts for the tax year .
26 Assisting with the creation of a viable payments union in the area that used to be described as the Soviet Union would be the single most important contribution that the Twelve could make to that unstable and dangerous part of the world .
27 We are proof that the almost-impossible can occur .
28 He was generally dismissive of the idea that the two could merge because , he said , they existed to serve the interests of two very different sets of shareholders .
29 In a poll of Anglican Clergy undertaken in 1864 only 40% expressed the view that the damned would suffer everlasting torment ; it may be assumed that a poll of laity would have disclosed a substantially lower percentage.ii .
30 If the accused enters a restaurant intending to pay but then decides not to , the waiter is relying on the continuing representation that the accused will pay .
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