Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [was/were] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 So although Frazer was doing a kind of anthropology that was later to be rather dis despised , it had something to be said for it .
2 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
3 It was this proprietorial attitude that was later to be one of the elements that would alienate Anne , who wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband 's .
4 ‘ All I can say though is that whatever happens it will be my decision , ’ she said , revealing the determination and single-mindedness that was later to be turned against her .
5 The inference that was clearly to be drawn from their study was that land reform/land redistribution was the critical factor in the peasant problem : even if the peasants ' lot could be improved by less drastic means .
6 This attitude was also responsible for a new horological invention that was ultimately to be of far-reaching social significance .
7 It was mild by contrast with some of his later invective , but it marked the beginning of a year that was soon to be darkened by violence , malice and crime .
8 It was a debt that was never to be repaid by the politicians or the generals of both sides , no matter how many red poppies were later bought or how many ‘ Last Posts ’ were sounded on dismal anniversaries .
9 Its significance rested upon its ability to censure the High Authority and to demand its collective resignation , a blunt sanction that was never to be applied .
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