Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pers pn] could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been just like her to take a method like this to exact a petty revenge for their disagreements , landing Folly with a pile of unwanted stock that she could n't refuse without souring relations with her supplier .
2 But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get a result that you could not have predicted from the responses with stationary spots .
3 Forster was so smitten by the result that he could not trust his voice to announce the Nazi gains on the radio , and is said to have spent the night at home weeping uncontrollably .
4 His answer was so far from the murmuring of her own mind that she could not comprehend what he was saying .
5 The child 's own feelings were split between mortification at a christening that doomed him to live out for good a pun that he could already see to be gruesome and pride that his father had cared for him enough to embed him into his act by the very roots of his name .
6 ‘ Well , I told them that , ’ Francis Morgan said irritably and his wife and daughter caught each other 's eye in silent agreement that he had n't told them that Angela was refusing point-black to be married from home and was insisting on the full London set-out , reception at the House of Commons , replying unanswerably when he had objected on grounds of expense that she could well afford to pay for it herself .
7 It was a bitter summary of their unhappy affair , but compunction ensued , because it was n't Luke 's fault that he could n't love her , even if he had no right to despise her , so she added neutrally , ‘ There 's a Chinese tea-house or tea-garden — I 'm not sure what it 's really called — not far from here that intrigues me , and I 've been wanting to go and find out what it 's all about ever since I first passed it .
8 I noticed his saying in a magazine interview that he could never have survived these past few years without the help of Fleet Street — and that struck me as an unusually candid confession for a politician .
9 " What about your car that they could n't find ?
10 If I can use erm an analogy of my own rather than of his , to produce erm a detailed adaptation of an organism to a specific way of life , if only large steps , large mutational changes were possible , would be a little like trying a surgeon trying to remove erm an appendix with a scalpel mounted on some kind of trolley clamp with the rule that he could n't move it less than a foot at a time .
11 Of course , I had heard these same sentiments expressed by his lordship on many occasions before , but such was the depth of conviction with which he spoke in this august setting that I could not help but be moved afresh .
12 The titles were not ones with which she was familiar : The Book Of Dzyan , The Book of Eibon , The Golden Bough , Ludwig Prinn 's De Vermiis Mysteriis , The Beginner 's Guide to the Necronomicon , and others whose titles were written in so indecipherable a script that she could n't read it .
13 They were quite far apart , it was light but still felt enclosed : you could look up and see the high tops of the pines swaying in a wind that you could n't feel down on the ground .
14 In the school , I was told in the First Aid that you could always tell a fractured femur ( which happened with elderly women as a rule ) .
15 But to hear now that That Woman was living in the Dower House , the very woman on whose account his mother had been incarcerated there , filled him with such distress that he could barely find the strength to be civil .
16 Sherman agreed , on condition that she could also use the clothes in her personal work .
17 ‘ It encouraged drivers to limit their drinking because there might have been the conception that you could n't tell people not to drink at all , ’ says the DoT spokesman .
18 I always had faith that he could still beat anybody , anywhere at any time ’ .
19 I had twenty village girls to teach , some of them with such a strong country accent that I could hardly communicate with them .
20 Yes , we 've covered various subjects er more than once , er so much so that er I would be much obliged if you would er focus on a particular instance that I could then have an opportunity to recall .
21 ‘ I 'll find it , ’ I yelled back at him , then slipped an old Simply Red tape into the cassette just to annoy him , although it had the added advantage that I could n't hear him any more .
22 The board said it regretted that Lord Hollick had informed the chairman that he could not support its statement of support for Mr Montgomery in full .
23 Brady explained : ‘ Jack Charlton wrote to me , saying he was sorry about the way it had ended and expressing the hope that we could still have a decent relationship .
24 ‘ It 's because of that helplessness that I have to go , ’ and he walked so quickly out of the churchyard that she could not follow him .
25 There 's an amazing amount of feel that you can get out of a guitar that you could never get out of any other instrument .
26 The demand was heavy , for a payment of one-sixth on the goods of the laity and of one-third on those of the clergy , and some men refused payment outright , while others put forward the plea that they could not afford to pay .
27 I mean , it is n't as though we have to operate a policy in which we heavily advertise the availability of grants , it , it can develop via word of mouth , if we advertise anything , we would be inundated with demand for to a level that we could n't cope with .
28 I 'd much rather y , you know , you did anything you want , than ignore a bit that you could otherwise find useful .
29 ‘ I tell you , ’ she continued , ‘ the bit that I could never figure out was that ablark , araan , aroon refrain .
30 But however I suppose it but it takes it 's like everything else but it 's a dead it really is a trade er Graham was saying to m to me when I was down in London , he says , It 's a pity mum that you could n't get work you know , I mean , you just did n't have the you know , your age and that to start work down here , he says , there 'd be plenty of work for you .
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