Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [adv] [vb -s] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , it is the semantic anomaly that probably makes this kind of joke far easier to translate from English into another language than the jokes which depend on sound-play or polysemy .
2 This is , however , the first study that also assesses gastroduodenal damage .
3 " Depression " is a convenient portmanteau condition that frequently satisfies this purpose .
4 The 3.4-kb mRNA is not expressed in W/W v skin ( lane 17 ) , which lacks melanocytes , or in any skin that exclusively produces yellow pigment due to mutations at the agouti locus ( lanes 6 , 7 , and 8 ) .
5 It is easy to show that no algorithm that always prefers one source to another can be adequate .
6 Later , while figure-subjects executed in marquetry become more dominant but generally less attractive , it is the ornamental component that again gives most delight .
7 The idea of literature that currently informs English teaching makes arbitrary associations and exclusions .
8 I think , to come back to ‘ where does knowledge come from ? ’ , just how can you produce work that actually counters that weight of belief in the invincibility of people who are patently failing in front of your eyes !
9 Now one sport that always brings breathtaking action is moto cross … and the good news is they 're opening a new track in Oxfordshire … today the top riders were testing it out … our man Mark Kiff was there
10 As the beetle lumbers into the air , the stiff wing covers are usually held out to the side , a posture that inevitably hampers efficient flight .
11 As tall as his father and with the slender , broad-shouldered build of a natural athlete , he had regular features of that open , well-chiselled handsomeness that also suggests unusual strength of character .
12 Each stream is analogous to a body , whose ‘ development ’ is influenced by dust seed ‘ genes ’ , a body that eventually spawns new dust seeds .
13 So why apply , more or less , for an awful job that seriously threatens domestic harmony ?
14 This alone is a factor that enormously complicates any discussion of school education .
15 The one factor that still tilts general election predictions in the Tories ' favour is that their hillcrest position seems ultimately impregnable .
16 People 's opinions vary , but one thing is clear : the Government is influenced by the views of the top civil servants , and in a very practical sense , it is the Civil Service that actually runs this country .
17 As this principle is recognised in the way that card businesses are accounted for normally , this is an area that clearly needs further consideration .
18 The merit of the book , however , does not so much lie in its attempt to break the " iron curtain " that traditionally separates linguistic and literary approaches to literature , but rather in its contribution to the development of a stylistics that successfully reconciles linguistic analysis with a consideration of the socio-cultural and ideological dimensions of the production and reception of literary texts .
19 Attributes for it er firmly rooted in a Celtic past that frankly bears more relation to Wales and Scotland than it does er to the past er in Devon .
20 This policy was formulated in 1976 , and the range of locational , growth and service features that it incorporates illustrates the increased sophistication that now characterizes selected settlement policies ( Lockhart 1982 ) .
21 One subject that possibly deserves more coverage — and makes Mazur 's achievements all the more remarkable — is the extent of the inter-agency rivalry that dogged the investigation and was the subject of a Senate Banking Committee report published last October .
22 In his History of the conflict between religion and science ( 1875 ) , J. W. Draper put forward a principle of interpretation that still enjoys popular support .
23 The male of the latter is a solitary night hunter of the forest floor that only meets another rasse to mate and leaves rearing the young to the female .
24 Although there wo n't be the saturation advertising that usually attends popular capitalism , there will be a prospectus containing a supportive letter from the Prince of Wales , and offers of preferential access to the centre 's facilities .
25 For example , in practice it is extremely difficult to make a brain lesion that entirely removes one part of the brain while leaving the rest intact ; they are either too large or too small .
26 Come 's manager has a guest list that alone exceeds normal capacity ; quite how one is to witness a band to their best advantage in such conditions is hard to fathom .
27 It would seem that compactness and design can not prevail over human factors , so that the need for a visible , multi-access central system that also facilitates mutual support takes precedence .
28 So the endothelins may have a major role in atherosclerosis and the reocclusion that often follows surgical opening of occluded arteries .
29 No reliance on the imagined generosity of a mythical ‘ god ’ can provide escape from the natural order that ultimately insists that responsibility for the provision of the needs , for example of a family , lies primarily with the parents .
30 Its engineers are as good as any in the world ; their handicap is lack of a culture that continually challenges all design decisions , no matter how high in the hierarchy they were made .
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