Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pron] 'll [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you come up with that sort of material , then the American and English newspapers will publish an interview that I 'll give them ’ .
2 He 'll be clinging to the hope that we 'll keep his father 's bones safe for our part — and Isambard he wants for his own . ’
3 ‘ I think they 're being watched in the hope that they 'll give something away .
4 In theory , you could see me in the Sunshine Home for Impoverished Journalists in 40 years ' time , tripping the nurses over with my Zimmer frame in the hope that they 'll let me father their child .
5 She 's still in regular contact with Sub-lieutenant Bacci and I have every hope that he 'll gain her confidence . ‘
6 And I 've got a little chart that I 'll give you to do that on .
7 ‘ Silas is still longing to go to bed with me , so you can wish me luck that I 'll get him there eventually — but in the right circumstances , of course . ’
8 And they will outline on the course a a number of other things of course that they 'll blow you out for .
9 ‘ But it 's not a foregone conclusion that they 'll get your business ? ’
10 There 's no guarantee that he 'll change his mind , and the older you get , the more critical it will become .
11 We ca n't think of a better guarantee that you 'll get what you pay for .
12 That 's the day that you 'll need me the most . ’
13 I 'm a fool if I believe for one minute that he 'll give me a fair chance …
14 Tell an alternative comedian that you live in Sheffield and work mainly outside London , and there 's a good chance that they 'll treat you with suspicion .
15 ‘ If I can signal a message there 's a wonderful chance that she 'll see it !
16 Did you know that there 's like a huge chance that you 'll marry someone you know by the time you 're eighteen ?
17 She apparently phoned him shortly before I spoke to her today , and she 's got an assurance that she 'll get her money back .
18 Try out the PA system on site ; do n't take the management 's word that they 'll do it for you .
19 I want your word that you 'll treat anything you see or hear while on board this boat as absolutely confidential . ’
20 ‘ I have to take your word that you 'll leave me alone ? ’ she asked tautly , tilting her head in enquiry .
21 Exactly , Jesus was saying to this officer that I 'll cure your master when I get there
22 Sir John said placidly : ‘ If that is the case — that he knows something we do n't — I have little doubt that he 'll tell us in the fullness of time . ’
23 The gunman holding children hostage at a school in Paris has broken off negotiations with a threat that he 'll kill them and himself if his demand for twelve million pounds is not met .
24 ‘ They 'll have to make adjustments , but theirs is such a rugby culture that they 'll spare nothing .
25 I 'm not saying another word until he gets here and you lot can certainly forget any idea that I 'll sign anything . ‘
26 He 's been telling them at the public house that you 'll help his noble family become great again .
27 There 's never a minute when he 's in the house that he 'll let her out of his sight . ’
28 Yes , but I want to know , Brenda , are you really concerned about the fact that you 'll see it , or the fact that these people that you do n't particularly like are going to be living near you .
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