Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Goaded beyond endurance , she took a wild swing that connected with his shield with such force that it nearly wrenched her arms out of their sockets .
2 So when my parent says to me , give those two units of parental investment that I just gave you , to , to offspring B I do n't want to , because the benefit to offspring B , or rather the genes I share with offspring B , does n't compensate sate me for the , for the sacrifice .
3 ‘ I sometimes feel a great sense of loss and disappointment that she never saw me grow up .
4 You never really sort of said well was it , was it a slipped disc or is it gone or have you got ta go back for any more tests or anything like that er and bearing in mind that he also said he was keen on sports and he played tennis and so on , you could 've had the opportunity there to say oh have your back problem , back troubles made in difference to you in that area ?
5 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
6 In everything , a compromise is the answer and by not expecting the horse to go too close to a potentially spooky object , kidding the horse that you never intended him to go near it , will avert an argument or tension .
7 I did n't see any of that crazy side that he always told me was there .
8 What she did n't like , and what very seriously worried her , was the way , after long moments of giving her a cold-eyed stare , Naylor Massingham should suddenly look at her with such a degree of pleasantness that she just knew she was n't going to like what was going through his brain .
9 He opened the window a crack , but the wind made such a noise that he immediately closed it again .
10 He had heard so many stories of musket balls lodging in Bibles , not of course that he really believed them , but all the same What he wanted to do now was to find some immoral passages with which to confront the Padre , thereby proving to him that this book could not possibly be the word of God ( unadulterated , anyway ) .
11 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
12 And what pride she had , that transcended her meagre purse and the threadbare pelisse that so little kept out the winter cold that she still wore it inside the house , and had been obliged to come down from her room to seek a little warmth from the dying fire .
13 He was so horrified by Prittwitz 's proposed withdrawal that he immediately replaced him with Generals Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff .
14 When ‘ the lads ’ talk about football they exclude others by discussing the intricate implications of a second division transfer that nobody else knew anything about .
15 Here is an extract from the minutes of January 10 : ‘ J Peeke brought to the attention of the committee that she only had one set of keys , not two like stated at the Christmas Party when a councillor asked where the Space Invaders keys were so they could have a few free games . ’
16 After much ‘ mickey-taking ’ , I informed every lady that I only bought one in order to get some change for Sue to go to the toilet ( 25p a time — whatever happened to the expression ‘ spending a penny ’ ) .
17 Her clothes were neat enough but her shoes were a giveaway , so old and worn under their polish that they almost telegraphed her need ; there was a story to be told here , Angelica thought , and Angelica was a sucker for an interesting story .
18 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
19 I should say at this point that I never read my own articles once they have appeared in print .
20 That was the point that she again asked him if he were homosexual .
21 And because the Crabb operation was unauthorised the Director General of MI6 could also honestly tell the inquiry that he too knew nothing about such a plan .
22 He was beaten by an innings , scoring only 3 and 31 to his opponent 's 75 , but in 1833 , when Yorkshire played their first county match against Norfolk , he met Bradbury again and ‘ exhibited such ability with the bat that he almost ran his opponent off his legs . ’
23 There was every appearance that he actually enjoyed it .
24 It is plain too , that dinosaurs in their highest forms were far from being lumbering brutes ; and there is overwhelming evidence that what finally defeated them was not competition from ‘ higher ’ forms of life , but changes in climate , possibly exacerbated by catastrophic events , including the impact of giant meteors .
25 It was an ordeal for Beth to be used for this night after night , but she comforted herself with the knowledge that he truly loved her and was always both gentle and considerate .
26 She went over to the bed , realising with a shock that she still wore her kimono .
27 It was while she was reading one of the books they gave her — by a philosopher called Christ — the next day by the lamp-light that she suddenly realized what that gemmed necklace had said .
28 Sometimes too he would take duck and geese as they floated on some high lochan , coming on them so low along the ground that they only saw him when the massive darkness of his wings came over the peat edge and shadowed out their life .
29 Everyone went wild with laughter again , except for the three men above us , who received such a jolt that they nearly released their macabre cargo onto our heads .
30 He had given her the capital for the first one on their twentieth wedding anniversary , when he had already bought a Georgian pendant that he dearly wished her to have , but before he chanced giving it to her he had asked her what she would like , and she told him .
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