Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] would [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of charters , the new colonies on the south shore devised constitutions of their own : Connecticut 's Foundations in 1639 were primarily concerned to bring a group of separate towns , each with a rural hinterland , together as one colony with a congregational approach to religion which would avoid the dangers of conflict and division , while the Constitution of Rhode Island , established in 1643 , took a long step further towards complete commitment to the view that no particular variety of religion would be given a special position and that everybody would be allowed to carry on worship freely .
2 The tall , blond player who had joined West Ham at the tender of age of 17 some four years earlier , had done more than choose the right moment to emerge , he 'd nicely anticipated the coming of the right man , Alf Ramsey , who took over the England management shortly afterwards and began to forge the national side which would win the World Cup in 1966 and in which Moore would play an anchor role .
3 The aim was to create a stable coalition which would represent the majority of the people of Israel , he said .
4 A brewery is fighting a hostile take over bid which would mean the end of more than two hundred and fifty years of brewing .
5 In February 1989 the United States Defence Department announced a US$7,900,000 military support programme which would provide the BDF with armoured personnel carriers , Tow launchers and missiles and Vulcan anti-aircraft guns .
6 As well as composing , Lennox Berkeley taught composition on the Broadwood piano in the study : among his pupils were Richard Rodney Bennett ; John Manduell , now head of the Northern College of Music ; and John Tavener who , in a recent broadcast , remembered how his lessons were often interrupted , sometimes by Nicky , the Berkeleys ' youngest son — whose football might make an unscheduled appearance through the window , to Lennox Berkeley 's gentle consternation — or by Freda coming in with some latest gossip which would send the tutor ‘ running for the gin cupboard ’ .
7 For several reasons : it was a simple objective , and one which would have the enthusiastic support of her squad ; it was the only result which would avenge the deaths of Johannsen and the Raistrick crew ; and it would cause the maximum damage to the Spinward Corporation .
8 It was expected , however , to give UNITA a decisive voice in an interim adminstration which would govern the country until the presidential run-offs .
9 More orthodox critics feared that he was only stoking up a consumer boom which would reap the whirlwind in a vast price inflation .
10 He told one correspondent that Eliot owed his best poetry to Pound — he was convinced that there would eventually be a vogue in favour of Pound which would take the form of a reaction against Eliot ( in that he was to be proved right ) .
11 Lord Wilberforce 's statement in Tameside , that the decision-maker should properly direct himself to the facts , provides a good example of one aspect of factual review which would allow the courts great latitude for substituting their view for that of the decision-maker .
12 Enfield was to be a low-to medium-volume plant , with a new product start-up capability which would lead the business in technology , design , testing , sourcing , quality and competitive superiority .
13 The SRC immediately cancelled the elections for a president and a vote which would confirm the appointment of the only candidate for senior vice-president and ordered an investigation .
14 The terms of reference for this enquiry were ‘ To review the way in which public funds are used to support community care policy and to advise on the options for action which would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
15 As a direct result of Audit Commission criticisms and other recently published reports , the government announced that Sir Roy Griffiths had been invited ‘ to undertake a review of the way in which public funds are used to support community care and to advise on the options for action which would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
16 The court accepted the view of the executive that to give advance notice of their intentions would run the risk of action which would disrupt the operation of the intelligence services .
17 Yet , in April , the Executive Committee of the National Union of Textile Workers ( NUTW ) declared its intention of demanding a restoration of the 5 per cent on base wages lost in 1921 and that the cost of living addition should be altered every three months — an action which would benefit the textile workers .
18 Every few seconds or so she squeezed a hard rubber shape that the blood bank nurse had given her , an action which would pump the blood faster into the cannula , through plastic tubing and into the attached plastic bag , which was slowly filling .
19 In the letter , Mr Lilley says : ‘ I propose a three-pronged course of action which would focus the benefit more closely on the long-term sick , make it less generous and make it taxable . ’
20 Some officials recognized that the new system was alien , but expected that the judicial system would act as a progressive force which would promote the adoption of British norms about justice .
21 The resolution , which was passed by 217 votes to 192 , opened the way for the creation of a congressional task force which would investigate the issue and deliver its preliminary findings to the House on July 1 .
22 He did not love her , but she would make a remarkable duchess , and the fact that she had inherited more than her share of her papa 's famous shrewdness was a bonus which would assist the Blaines and make their future secure .
23 They saw universal , or manhood , suffrage not so much as an end in itself as the key which would unlock the door to radical or even revolutionary social and economic change .
24 Payments could be limited to a maximum number of patients per general practitioner which would stop the protests that a single handed general practitioner with a list of 3000 in an area of high deprivation receives an extra £28 800 a year without any obligation to provide extra services .
25 This equation is estimated over the whole sample period rather than by a more complicated rolling regression technique which would allow the parameters to change each quarter as new information became available .
26 More recently , certain United States government figures have ruled out a settlement which would leave the PDPA as the ‘ backbone of the Kabul Government ’ and they have indicated the unacceptability of the continuation of a ‘ communist front government ’ in Afghanistan .
27 The government of Pakistan welcomed the Moscow talks as brightening the prospects for a peace settlement which would allow the mujaheddin to return to their homeland in safety and honour .
28 Mr Harrison has called for an urgent meeting with EC officials to restate the case for intervention funding which would make the yard more attractive to potential purchasers .
29 A £600,000 transfer was almost in place when the French club made an unprecedented contractual demand , a morality clause in Nicholas 's contract which would guarantee the players good behaviour .
30 Any provision in a contract which would have the effect of excluding or restricting liability for a misrepresentation is ineffective , except to the extent that the clause is shown to satisfy the requirement of reasonableness — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , s.3 as amended by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
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