Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] be [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 OVER the last year a considerable amount of progress has been carried out on the Ex-GWR 0-6-2T 5637 locomotive .
2 This evaluation will consider whether the school is now more effectively educating its students , and whether the change has been carried out in the most efficient way .
3 It is unlike East London , where over the last ten or twenty years the heart has been torn out of manufacturing industry in the docks and with it has gone traditional working-class organisation .
4 Interestingly , this intuitive response has been borne out by science ( see page 8 ) .
5 We are also able to certificate any module where the training and assessment has been carried out in a language other than English .
6 SCOTVEC can certificate any module where training and assessment has been carried out in a language other than English ; an endorsement appears on the Learning Outcomes Statement accompanying the Record of Education and Training indicating the language used .
7 The contract of supply must be a complete agreement ( see Scammell and Nephew Ltd v Ouston [ 1941 ] AC 251 ) , although this does not necessarily mean that every part of the contract has been worked out in meticulous detail .
8 He says he is now living in fear , having been told that an £80,000 contract has been taken out on his life .
9 The firm 's stand has been borne out by the earnings figures published by Fortune : for the calendar year 1987 , Korn/Ferry 's recruiting fees reached $64.6m. worldwide , of which $45.2m. was generated in the USA .
10 And an education official believes the case has been blown out of all proportion .
11 Coun David Lyonette ( Lab ) said : ‘ An awful lot of money has been made out of this area .
12 ‘ The zest and sparkle and the real opportunity has been taken out of her life , ’ said the judge .
13 Indeed as Neuhaus has recognised ( 1986 ) it is precisely because religion has been forced out of the central corridors of power in America that the New Religious Right has managed to stride in with such urgency and rage .
14 When the length of one side has been marked out on the moulding , again position the moulding in the mitre box and with the saw now travelling in the opposite guide slots , make a further mitre cut to complete one side .
15 The blunt-talking Yorkshireman has been voted out as chairman of the Umpires ' Association by his fellow pros .
16 Pension abatement has been singled out as a blatant piece of age discrimination that is obsolete and should be abolished .
17 CRIME has been ruled out after the discovery of the body of a man in a slate quarry on a North Wales mountain yesterday .
18 The German coal industry has been held out as something of a model by Opposition Members .
19 These may include " black " which has a black body , " sooty " with a dull black body , " antennapedia " with forked antennae and " microcephalic " which has a small head , as if a piece has been bitten out of each side .
20 This experiment has been carried out by Klatzky ( 1970 ) and Klatzky and Atkinson ( 1971 ) with results favouring the inter-hemispheric transfer interpretation .
21 She had just heard in Helsinki her brother-in-law has been hauled out of the frozen harbour .
22 A special study has been carried out on the need to balance environmental improvements with potential disruption of essential traffic .
23 A special study has been carried out on the need to balance environmental improvements with potential disruption of essential traffic .
24 A recent study has been carried out by Warman ( reported by Johnson-Laird , 1983 ) .
25 This technology is , in fact , ideologically charged ; any version of literacy practice has been constructed out of specific social conditions and in relation to specific political and economic structures , as I hope to demonstrate below .
26 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
27 Workflow software is able to recognise when a particular action has been carried out on a document and can then carry out other actions ( which were previously done manually ) by itself .
28 In the UK where a comparatively large amount of research has been carried out into wave power it is estimated that with wave generators along the 1,450 kilometre coastline , 50% of the UK 's electricity requirements could be supplied .
29 Considerable research has been carried out since 1973 by the Department of Geology at Cardiff University .
30 The drug has been around for the last 20 years , but this is the first time the research has been carried out over such a lengthy period .
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