Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] what [pron] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But there was no attempt to disguise what he had seen .
2 He took off , flying low and keeping out of sight , tilting quickly up above a treeline to check what he had seen and then tipping out of sight again .
3 One nineteenth century account of him reads : ‘ Strong minded but very illiterate … he made all his calculations by the strength of his memory , and was equally at a loss to explain what he had conceived to any other person , and from being lowly educated he had no means of conveying to paper his designs , yet would cast up the most intricate accounts in his head without difficulty or error . ’
4 Eva was too busy concentrating on the first foothold to wonder what she had done with it .
5 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
6 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
7 He had come to Addis Ababa as correspondent for the Graphic and he later made use of the occasion to parody what he had seen in Black Mischief and other books .
8 ‘ Ah , Rachel , ’ he said without giving her a chance to say what she had come for .
9 When she saw them she was going to tell them about the tea and in the same breath demand to know what they had found and why Cobalt had anticipated finding anything in the Villa Fiesole .
10 And it would amuse the Colonel to hear what he had done to the President 's elite guard .
11 For dissident Catholics , Marxism was the only ideology which could provide a sufficiently all-encompassing vision to replace what they had rejected , replicating the Church 's concepts of dogma , orthodoxy and heresy .
12 Once we were fed and watered it was back onto the dance floor to practise what we had learnt and add , would you believe , a small jump to our repertoire .
13 He assumed that by now the allied Generals must be aware of the French advance , but it was still his duty to report what he had seen and so he kicked back his heels , waved farewell to the Prussians , and rode on .
14 The range of Iain 's reading was a constant surprise to me , and he had that rare ability to remember what he had read so that he could pass it on .
15 In order to understand what they had found they needed to classify the fossil organisms into particular kinds , more or less similar , to impose an order on what would otherwise have been a vast and chaotic mass of different and apparently unrelated relics .
16 He promised to take the cast to him in the morning , and I arranged to call at his office at noon to learn what he had discovered from the dentist .
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