Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [adv] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
2 Then he pulled down the oven door , smelt the sweet , fatty smell of the meat and knew that it was probably this very fact that accounted for his decision to go through with the business .
3 Nevertheless , the prime reason for the Bundesbank 's decision to go ahead with an interest rate cut will have been the solidarity pact which was agreed last Saturday between Chancellor Kohl 's government and the opposition to put Germany 's post-unification finances on a sound footing and help the revival of eastern Germany .
4 Anaesthetist Dr Gouri Shankar said the fracture would not have affected his decision to go ahead with the surgery .
5 Anaesthetist Dr Gouri Shankar said the fracture would not have affected his decision to go ahead with the surgery .
6 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
7 The growing popular discontent , together with mounting evidence of serious effects on local people 's health , is seen as a key reason behind the decision to go ahead with the Temelin reactor [ see above ] .
8 They warn that the Botswana could face a consumer boycott of its beef exports if the decision to go ahead with the fence is not dropped .
9 On July 25 the federal government approved the Slovak government 's decision to go ahead with the Gabcikovo hydroelectric project , originally part of a joint Hungarian-Czechoslovakian scheme from which Hungary had withdrawn in 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] and to put the power station into operation from October as " a temporary measure " .
10 Thus , given liberty and the opportunity to cope realistically with the problem of getting enough to eat the dream process was no longer invoked .
11 My proposal asks a great deal of many of you : time , energy , commitment , a willingness to go along with a plan which there is not time to discuss at length , and with ideas which I do n't imagine will win universal approval .
12 Environmentalists in Czechoslovakia are becoming increasingly critical of their government 's decision to proceed unilaterally with the project .
13 It now made open confession of its inability to cope alone with the crisis initiated by Perry 's arrival .
14 The Bible is quite clear that it is always a mistake for a Christian to go out with a non-Christian .
15 Of course , nobody has gone that far into space and sampled stardust to come back with a bag full of diamonds .
16 In Jones & Smith [ 1976 ] 3 All ER 54 ( CA ) , the occupier 's son had general permission to enter the house but he did not have permission to come in with a friend to steal two televisions , despite the father 's saying that his son would never be a trespasser in his house .
17 I 'm grateful to you for your readiness to fall in with the proposals made , and er , I have enjoyed the opportunity to chair this A G M. The meeting is now concluded .
18 The forced repatriation of Vietnamese boat people from Hong Kong was expected to begin this week as the Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , restated his intention to go ahead with the expulsions .
19 THE forced repatriation of Vietnamese boat people from Hong Kong was expected to begin this week as the Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , restated his intention to go ahead with the expulsions .
20 If the Council did a good deal to catch up with the agenda of the Council of Trent , it did rather little to face the real agenda confronting the whole human and Christian community in the last decades of this century .
21 One sequence , filmed in Maidenhead , showed Crawford , dressed up in a fireman 's uniform , peddling furiously on a bike in an attempt to catch up with the engine .
22 She turned them inside out , returned them to Dot to put on with the insides now on the outside .
23 She would also find a way to protect her twin — after all , it was n't a crime to run away with the man you loved .
24 The pub has made no attempt to keep up with the times … no karaoke here … just conversation .
25 I welcome the commitment of Strathclyde 's education department to co-operate fully with the commission 's investigation .
26 There is a choice of either black or multi-colour stretch fabric to team up with the Jarol yarn colours !
27 For further information on the medical centres and the Menopause Clinic , which offers women the opportunity to consult confidentially with a specialist gynaecologist , contact PPP on 071–637 8941 .
28 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
29 Do n't miss this ‘ priceless ’ opportunity to clean up with a Commodore — the offer is open while stocks last .
30 Eric Skoglund , the environmental officer on the UN-sponsored Mekong Committee , has resigned in protest at the committee 's determination to go ahead with the building of a huge dam on the Thai-Laotian border " regardless of the potential environmental costs " .
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