Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There was one , there was one last comment that I missed out there that it was the erm the permission to proceed with the product recommendations , you were wanting to proceed with recommendations but you had n't got the commitment off Steven in the first place so you were suggestion recommendations and what !
2 The second point is that of course as we accept into the role of opposition indeed to give these alternative proposals , give this particulary case to come within the government guidelines .
3 The former National Party leader and Prime Minister Sir Robert Muldoon , also an outspoken opponent of free market economics , was offered several minor posts outside the Cabinet , but turned them all down as " insulting " and expressed his intention to remain on the back benches , from where he would be free to criticize the new government .
4 This is why Mrs Dole got the Labour Department to look at the personnel records of nine big companies around the country .
5 The draw means Wales ' bid to qualify for the USA finals is now partly out of their own hands .
6 An East German — unwisely , perhaps , in view of the easy access through the front door — made a desperate bid to scramble over the embassy railings .
7 Some 400 local people attended a protest meeting at the weekend and will hold a demonstration to coincide with the planning talks .
8 Four Cabinet Ministers , on the advice of the Attorney-General , signed declarations in an attempt to keep from the court documents which would have cleared the men .
9 The sheer strength of feeling across the nation this afternoon forced the President of Trade and Industry to backtrack on the pit closures .
10 The Group has no present intention to dispose of the AUK Notes and therefore no tax provision has been made for the potential liability to corporation tax .
11 There were curious villagers waiting for the wedding to begin in the back seats of the church but they did not look to left or right .
12 If the concentration of production and distribution units becomes a major force in the transition to the SEM , there will be an inevitable tendency for that concentration to occur in the core regions which will probably not only contain relevant headquarters and production units , but will also guarantee proximity to markets and immediate access to a range of supporting service functions .
13 After evidence had been led for the prosecution counsel for the defendant submitted that there was no case to answer on the theft charges because the manager of the shop had authorised the transactions , so that there had been no appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Act .
14 Article 15 of the second directive gives cancellation rights to all individual contracts except those of six months or less and is amended to exempt where the policyholder has had , for example , the opportunity to reflect on the policy terms before contacting the insurer .
15 The catering personnel were taking the opportunity to depart via the fire exits .
16 You can use the word ‘ turtle ’ to prompt a child to go into the turtle reactions to avoid impulsive aggression .
17 The consumer publishing division 's results were helped by a return to profit in the television listings sector and a good performance by IPC 's core consumer magazines and Reed Regional Newspapers .
18 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
19 Why am I using his work to set alongside the interview extracts ?
20 Depending on your roof type , and whether your windows need to provide a means of escape to comply with the Buildings Regulations , there are three basic types .
21 And if we were to cut further in any significant way , then we would undermine our capacity to look after the defence interests of our country .
22 For example , there was a continuing requirement to comply with the pay scales used by the Authority as a whole , although the Governing Bodies were free to appoint new staff at any level in the scale .
23 With the enclosure of the open fields and the redistribution of the land mostly in compact blocks instead of strips scattered all over the parish , one would have expected the old open-field village to disintegrate as the village farmers built new farmsteads on their allotments .
24 The Commission subsequently issued an interim measures decision which , amongst other things , required Akzo 's UK subsidiary to return to the profit levels that it had been applying before the alleged threats were made and implemented .
25 ‘ But you do n't understand , there 's no money to buy in the leather stocks we need , how can we sell a commodity we have n't got ? ’
26 Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun .
27 The three-year research project funded by the English National Board to look at the learning experiences in the community found working with students was ‘ time consuming ’ and ‘ slowed down the work of the nurse ’ .
28 After that it would be simpler to make a journey into the country than to find an excuse to walk through the hospital doors .
29 The Pittagora women did not yet swim , and airless midsummer found them sequestered in their shuttered , marble-floored apartment in Rupe , emerging only before the sun gathered strength to go to market or to Mass , or after its heat had dimmed in the evening to stroll under the acacia trees with the rest of the town 's gentry , while their servants sat in doorways on wooden chairs , commenting aloud .
30 This right of enforcement is further enhanced by the fact that English insolvency law permits a chargee to remain outside the insolvency proceedings and to enforce his charge independently of such proceedings .
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