Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] be for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This approach , far from just offering a comfortable sense of hand-holding , serves as an excellent safety net , as it helps us to identify at an early stage where a trainee 's progress may be for some reason deficient , and to take whatever steps may be needed to rectify the situation .
2 ‘ An initial contract may be for three years but we have to look further than that .
3 All other systems of social support should be for voluntary organizations of citizens to devise and subscribe to .
4 If I 'm honest I 'll have to admit that the major application of my research will be for commercial drug production .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what the total figure will be for new road schemes in the Antrim , South constituency for ( a ) 1992-93 , ( b ) 1993-94 and ( c ) 1994-95 .
6 However important this battle might be for future power at sea , the decisive point for the current war had been that the blockade made it impossible for the French to reinforce their West Indian or North American possessions .
7 It has been suggested ( Knuth 1969 , pp. 199–201 ) that testing for floating.point zero is not appropriate , and that a more suitable test would be for any value in a small range about zero , the size of which could be set by the programmer .
8 It was now that the assurances of 1918 that the pact would be for one election only came home to roost ; wanting to be ready in plenty of time , many local parties were by 1921 selecting candidates who would oppose sitting Coalition Liberals .
9 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
10 Whether one is satisfied that Mercier made free with its location so as to avoid having a fussy detail right at the edge of his picture must be for each observer to decide .
11 Multi-millionaire Richard Branson agreed with the move to curb pay but he reckons that this is a negative avenue and a more positive move would be for big UK companies with cash ( the likes of Hanson , GEC , etc ) to start splashing it about .
12 Their experience well illustrates Swords-Isherwood and Senker 's argument that the need will be for increased numbers of such workers , and that they should possess multiple skills : for example , electronics , electrical , and mechanical .
13 Our desire can be for physical satisfaction , for wealth , power or the need for recognition , for satisfying the intellect or our heart , or simply for the seeking of pleasure .
14 Will he consider conducting an inquiry into what the optimum pupil-teacher ratio should be for each age of children , because that ratio will differ ?
15 The logical development would be for closer examination of early foetuses with a view to detecting minor deficiencies which many babies are born with .
16 The Fellowship will be for three years in the first instance .
17 It is anticipated that the usual request will be for all cross-references pointing to a given range of entries .
18 Even when all intended partners of the new firm have indicated assent it will still be necessary to establish some order of seniority and to select the first senior partner : though joint senior partners are not unknown , the better arrangement may be for some restriction to be put upon the time that office is held by any one individual so that by rotating it between the participating firms a reasonable balance is achieved .
19 Consider policy should be for all nationals , ie persons born within pre-1939 frontier of an Allied country , to be handed over to Ally concerned This final sentence underlined how keen Eighth Army was by this time to " clear the decks " in its area .
20 The appointment will be for one year .
21 The appointment will be for two years in the first instance .
22 While the appointment will be for 1 year in the first instance .
23 The period of the fixed-term appointment will be for three years dating from until
24 A good theorist should be aware of the weaknesses in his theory , and his prime advocacy will be for more imagination in examining the issues involved and better experimentation wherever possible .
25 The answer of course would be for all suppliers to put a ‘ sell-by or ‘ best before date on the boxes of test kits with a specific shelf life .
26 A further trend could be for increasing numbers of small transactions with individual investors becoming involved , providing both management expertise and money , as some of those who benefited from the earlier buyout boom recycle their profits .
27 Imagine how much more critical performance will be for industrial-strength applications involving multiple linked files with customized applications on top .
28 Always the call will be for more power to the organization , so that the 1989 cry of alarm from the Police Federation conference about private security firms is based more on a fear that areas of influence are being taken from the institution than on beliefs that such groups are incompetent .
29 It is not completely clear what the predictions of the literature on arousal and memory would be for this task .
30 Much everyday reasoning about causes , however , seems to demand perfect relationships : ‘ Smoking does n't cause lung cancer ; the man next door to us got lung cancer and he had never smoked a cigarette in his life ’ , implying that the only cast-iron proof would be for all smokers to get lung cancer and for no non-smokers to get
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