Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 We have tended to speak as if it existed in some obvious and consistent way in higher education , but as some of the above quotations pointed out , the undergraduate curriculum may be influenced by other manifestations of organized knowledge , in particular research and professional practice .
2 One advantage is that if for any reason the storage system becomes unused the building may be used for other purposes .
3 In any case , in the liberal view , the significance of class struggle must be weighed against other divisions which cut across this struggle and limit its importance .
4 It becomes important , therefore , that any new antihypertensive drug should be compared with other agents in clinical trials that are large enough to detect infrequent adverse morbid events .
5 It seems to me that their gender appropriateness must be reinforced in other ways .
6 Before turning to the all-important Accounts , mention must be made of other methods whereby information about a company is required to be disseminated .
7 His back window was starred where the bullet had entered so he knocked out part of the pane to give clear vision as he feared the car might be followed by other gunmen .
8 The criteria for discrimination are very variable and when European writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at last began to realize ( perhaps inadvisedly ) that the word religion might be applied to other systems of thought besides Christianity this was one of the factors on which the classification of religions was based .
9 My account of deixis is such that the methodology could be applied to other kinds of discourse , both literary and non-literary .
10 The ingredient could be retained for other users thereby saving purchases of £34,000 less 25% [ £8,500 ] = £25,500 .
11 The advantage to Britain of ERM membership would be that , in addition to the Bank of England 's $42bn of foreign currency reserves , the pound could be supported by other European central banks , such as the wealthy West German Bundesbank , making speculation against sterling a much riskier business .
12 Although the pilot study demonstrates that a domain-specific dictionary can make a significant contribution to the recognition of a same-domain document , it is not necessarily the case that this effect will be repeated in other domains .
13 Our time perception can be altered in other ways .
14 The image of a complex conspiracy can be found in other conspiracy theories containing the antisemitic themes which are lacking in None Dare Call It Conspiracy .
15 O. levis can be distinguished from other Ophiacantha species by the shape of the disk spinelets , large curved adoral shields , small pentagonal oral shield , wide ventral arm plates , and the shape of the ventral arm spines .
16 In vitro , this is generally mediated by interferon-γ ( INF γ ) , although this effect can be enhanced by other cytokines .
17 A similar effect can be achieved in other ways : for instance , a clause providing that the seller will not refund any sums paid by the buyer effectively prevents rejection where the buyer has already paid the price .
18 O. cordifera can be distinguished from other species by the contiguous radial shields , the pentagonal shape of the oral shield often with an acute proximal edge and the small pointed tentacle scale .
19 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
20 The same exercise may be adapted in other ways — for example , where do they live ?
21 And at the same time their influence must be bounded by other , dominant ISAs .
22 Loss of skill should be compensated in other ways .
23 Spare capacity would be resold to other British Telecom units , which could offer a variety of services over the network .
24 The campaign will be extended to other parts of the country in due course .
25 It is hoped that many of the employees at Eagle Mill will be absorbed into other sections of .
26 Something of the same territorial influence can be detected in other counties too ; in the East Midlands , the spheres of the Dukes of Rutland and Devonshire were rarely challenged .
27 If help can be given from other er national funds because of the moral and compassionate er nature of the case , well that 's fine , and that maybe what some Health Authorities have been pressing .
28 H. duplicata can be recognised from other ophiactids by the arrangement of the oral papillae ; the form of the ventral arm plates , the number of tentacle scales , the scaling of the disk and the number of arm spines .
29 Whatever the reason may be : investment programmes , wars , fears of conflict , or the enforcement of a regime , they all stem from global mistrust and deception , and such great amounts of money could be directed in other ways if people all trusted each other and armament production was open .
30 In a joint statement in Rome , the EC leaders said that the removal of the ban could be followed by other steps to relax sanctions if and when the South African government took other steps to end apartheid .
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